Farsythe Institute gives disappointing forecasts for June 2017

Farsythe Institute gives disappointing forecasts for June 2017A photo from open sources

We are used to the predictions given by famous oracles, clairvoyants, psychics, astrologers and sorcerers, however, as it turns out, there are even an entire institution that deals with predictions, or rather say, in anticipation of upcoming events. And so amazing agencies located in the USA. So get to know:

Farsight Institute – Farsight Institute

Farsythe Institute is a research organization non-profit plan that deals with the so-called remote viewing (remote viewing), and under this “remote viewing” means at the same time space, and time.

The institute was organized immediately after the Second World War and His main task at that time was espionage activities for USSR. The basis of the team Farsight Institute ball laid the quantum mechanical theory of the physicist Hugh Everett, which allows simultaneous existence of the past, present and future, and because people trained according to the developed methodology of the scientist could see any temporal and spatial events.

The Farsythe Institute predicted such high-profile events at that time, like the Cuban revolution, the Kennedy assassination, the Roswell incident and many others that initially did not fit in the heads even scorched by conspiracy theorists, but over time all this one hundred percent confirmed.

A photo from open sources

Nowadays, they are doing remote monitoring in everything. world, using mainly Scientific Remote Viewing (SRV) and Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV). Naturally functions and Farsight Institute. And although this structure is totally conspiratorial, sometimes the institute introduces the American the public with predictions for the future. That’s what his employees saw in June 2017:

Farsythe Institute on events of the current month

Note that most often the Farsight Institute provides public only pictures of the future, without commenting on them, so as not to introduce a subjective moment into the “objectively” received information, which is as of June of this year:

  • the abduction of a very famous person – a woman, blondes. It will happen in nature – a river, mountains, very secluded a place;
  • there will be a press conference at which an Asian man appearance will say something important about the war or some technology that affects the interests of the whole world;
  • launch of a very large ballistic missile that destroys artificial intelligence based structure as well as a number other very important objects;
  • to a territory with a subtropical climate, it’s like some kind of island, incredibly huge tsunami waves are rolling;
  • terrible industrial disaster in the USA. Very toxic explosion incredible power, something chemical or nuclear;
  • political terrorist act in the Middle East. In a huge white building, a powerful explosion occurs, his reason lies in the black box.

See also the documentary about the Institute’s predictions Farsight for June 2017 (in English):

USA Time War

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