Finnish astrologer about what awaits Russia in next year

Finnish astrologer about what awaits Russia next yearA photo from open sources

Interest with our country is shown not only in what, but what are the inhabitants of this “wild and mysterious” Russia, where in cities still wander the bears, but in terms of how in the future this “uncontrollable power” will develop. Moreover, even American seers (not only Edgar Cayce) promise great Rus future. The Finnish astrologer Ruslan sees roughly the same thing. Susi, which makes his forecast for 2018 quite convincing (according to at least for us).

Stars, says an astrologer from Finland, and first Saturn’s influence on the position of the Sun in the horoscope Russian Federation, promise the best development of all possible options. This is also ensured by the fact that the current the Russian government is close to the people, and therefore by virtue of this provisions may affect any event. However once impact Saturn will weaken, a change of power in the country is quite possible when Putin will be replaced by another leader from the elements of “earth”. It is he will solve all problems of the economic and political plan, say, significantly strengthen agriculture in the country, improve relations with the West and so on. However, the upcoming elections in 2018, most likely, they will not bring a change of power in the Russian Federation, a horoscope for Russia will not promises so far no major changes. And this means only one thing: or Putin will continue to rule the country, or a man will come to power from the inner circle of the current leader, who will continue the same politics itself.

The Finnish astrologer also noted that the future 2018 will be for Russia is economically successful, as the country will begin get rid of all the crisis consequences. Her full recovery waiting for 2020, and then there will come a period of the present prosperity.

So – short and capacious enough. If we take into account that According to opinion polls, Vladimir Putin remains in the country the absolute leader in the forecast of Ruslan Susi can be trusted almost one hundred percent. Moreover, almost the same for Russia our domestic astrologer Pavel Globa also foretells (see video).

Vladimir Putin Russia Saturn Edgar Cayce

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