Forecast for 2018 from the astrologer Irina Denikina

Forecast for 2018 from the astrologer Irina DenikinaPhoto from open sources

Astrologer Irina Denikina is also called a specialist in the field Chinese esotericism, because it is based in its research it is on the most ancient not accessible knowledge of the Celestial Empire. Journalists asked to tell a talented stargazer and esotericism that awaits Russia and the world as a whole (at least in general terms) in political plan in the beginning of 2018.

The astrologer basically settled on the most painful points in the world: on the situation unfolding around Syria, on Russia’s relations with The United States and the European Union, as well as domestic life the Russian Federation itself.

According to the Chinese horoscope, stressed the woman, the upcoming the year of the Earth Dog is the period of the elements of the earth, that is, it will be relatively conservative and stable. This is the accumulation time, and not wasting time collecting stones that we scattered. therefore Russia this year will be able to work out its unique financial and economic style, people are finally adapting to the conditions in which it exists now, plus they will begin certain concessions in the legal field, which will lead to improvement life of Russians in general.

Of course, the main event of this year for the Russians (as, however, and the whole world as a whole) will be the choice of the president of Russia. Astrologer not sees no obstacles for Vladimir Putin to become the head again state, his horoscope in this regard is favorable. The main thing now – the Russian leader’s own will to continue to bear this heavy cross.

As for the relations between Russia and the USA, these superpowers are in the same astrological house, which may favorably affect both of them. In the united states should happen major changes in the financial sector, so talk about The economic collapse of this country is still early.

The EU will finally understand that Russia and the United States are equally important for him, and therefore will build his policy from this point view. The astrologer does not see the collapse of the EU this year, although countries Serious shocks await Western Europe, and, as in politically and economically.

And finally, for the long-suffering Syria, the war will end only formally, the country will have a long recovery period, licking wounds amid active fighting local character. And 2018 will be only the first year on this debt the way.

Unfortunately, the astrologer did not say a word about Ukraine and its relations with Russia in the current period. Probably, she simply did not see global changes in the life of this country …

Astrologers Time Life Russia Syria USA

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