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This is already evident in many ways: aliens, whom some researchers consider our creators to continue their genetic experiment, and therefore on Earth is now being formed a completely different race of people.
Independent researchers prove that the planet appears more and more people with altered DNA. They are sometimes called children. indigo, sometimes star children or just aliens, settled in the human body.
All these children are more different from their regular peers. high mental, creative, mental, telepathic and other abilities. They, for example, may possess extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, be able to treat diseases intuitively in a non-contact way and so on.
Scientists are researching the DNA of such unusual children and more and more come to the conclusion that aliens are changing the code, preparing humanity for a new level of development, and what can happen in the near future future, not later than the change of another generation. And how conspiracy theorists say, from the general public all this hiding. The purpose of such concealment is one – fear of universal panic. Imagine that most of the earthlings will be afraid that they began to give birth not to ordinary, but to stellar children, that is – strangers who come to Earth just to take over our planet.
And although it seems naive and even ridiculous, you should not exclude that most people on Earth are simply not ready to understand that we initially live side by side with aliens, and they are capable interfere in our life, because we are their brainchild, and therefore have the right to change our genome. Why is this being done right now, to us, most likely not to understand, however, perhaps aliens have in relation to terrestrial civilization any plans or even obligations to the Higher powers. And they purposefully and by a certain schedule change a person. No wonder the same astrologers they say that we have now entered a new, more advanced era human development. It is possible that the code values in the arrangement of celestial bodies that are easily read by stargazers, this a kind of knowledge map that is used by themselves aliens …