In the Lyakhovsky Islands in Yakutia, scientists recently discovered the remains of a female mammoth preserved in excellent condition. Today it turned out that a liquid remained in the body of the discovered mammoth blood.
On the teeth, experts found that the animal died at the age of 60 years. According to a member of the expeditionary group, found only the upper body, head and left are skeletonized hind leg. And fragments of muscle tissue found outside the body animals have a natural red color. Phenomenal body safety is due to the fact that the lower part lay in ice, and the upper part was outside.
A photo from open sources
Another surprising fact, according to scientists, are properties preserved animal blood. According to experts, blood was in the belly of the animal, which was hidden in the thickness of the ice. When scientists in several places pierced the ice with a kyle, hooking their belly animal, blood began to flow. It was amazing, because the air temperature at the time of excavation was in the region from -7 to – 10 degrees centigrade.
A randomly discovered property of animal blood allowed scientists suggest that mammoth blood had specific cryoprotective properties. Soon, scientists are planning conduct additional bacteriological examination of samples animal blood.
For clarification, I turned to a researcher at Moscow Paleontological Museum. Yu.A. Orlova, candidate of biological Sciences, who asked not to give his last name.
– The mammoth found in Yakutia retained liquid blood. How could it survive for so many years?
– When you cook the meat, you take it out of the freezer, which lay there for two weeks, put it in a bowl, it’s there thawed and a blood-colored liquid forms. it what blood and tissue fluids have turned into. It flows out because ice crystals that form when freezing any fabrics are torn. Intercellular membranes and cell contents, muscle fiber content – they are essentially large cells go out.
– It turns out that this is a natural process?
– Of course. Only this is not blood.
– And what?
– Liquid substance that arose during thawing of mascara. It is possible that the blood could persist in large vessels, in cavity of the heart, aorta, inferior vena cava.
“No, the blood leaked from the belly.”
– Some fluids could be in the abdominal cavity …
– The head of the expedition Semyon Grigoryev spoke about that fragments of muscle tissue found outside the body of the animal, have a natural red color. What’s in this unusual?
– Carcasses are stored differently. It all depends on which conditions occurred the primary burial. And from how long the carcass was on the surface.
– They say that the lower part lay in the ice, and the upper part was outside.
– The lower part may be closer to the natural color – red. And what unfreezes will naturally change stronger.
– Another amazing fact: that the blood began to flow at air temperatures from -7 to – 10 degrees Celsius. Such perhaps?
– This is really very strange, since any fabric liquids begin to freeze at a temperature close to zero. therefore this fact is without comment. Let’s see what the Yakut people say specialists. So far, all the information comes from the media.
– Scientists have suggested that mammoth blood possessed specific cryoprotective properties. What is this properties?
– Cryoprotective properties – this is what prevents freezing at low temperatures. But this is also strange, because metabolic processes in warm-blooded animals at such a low temperature is almost impossible.
– This find will open up new possibilities for cloning. mammoths?
– Will not open. Cloning mammoths is just like finding extraterrestrial intelligence, – the tasks are solved, but only in principle. IN In the near future you can not worry about this. Modern scientific knowledge of cloning is skeptical. But it is not means that these attempts are completely meaningless. They are useless for now at this level of development of science.
Mammoth Yakutia Time