German scientists have determined the exact age Shigir idol

German scientists determined the exact age of the Shigir idolA photo from open sources

Shigirsky idol, found almost 130 years ago in the peatlands of the Urals (near the modern city of Kirovograd, Sverdlovsk region), with from the very beginning raised a lot of questions (especially about him age) from archaeologists, historians and other scientists who initially believed that he was no more than 2-3 millennia, or even less.

However, a mysterious figure hollowed out by the ancient inhabitants of Eurasia from a whole log of larch (completely reconstructed from debris in 1914), at the first radiocarbon analysis literally shocked scientists, as it turned out that the idol was made by our ancestors about 10 thousand years ago. How is that perhaps no one could understand. After all, according to the established representations of a number of historians and anthropologists, the ancient man era was not able to create anything like that since amazing statue demonstrated high culture and spirituality its creators.

A photo from open sources

It turned out that the Shigir idol was at least twice older than the Egyptian pyramids, while he argues that on the territory of the modern Urals there was a fully developed civilization. But maybe there’s still an error in the definition age of this artifact? ..

A photo from open sources

That’s why German scientists joined in the study of the idol, with the most advanced equipment and vast experience in this business. The other day they published in the archaeological journal Antiquity the results of their great and very important work. It turned out that the wooden sculpture of Shigirsky idol is even older, than previously thought, he is 11.5 thousand years old. Here’s what it says Professor Thomas Terberger of the University of Gottingen:

We came to the conclusion that in that far period hunter-gatherers of the modern Urals already possessed high culture, an ancient civilization flourishing here, possessing a certain level of art and religious belief in device of this world. However, to establish exactly what was this wooden idol is intended, it’s simply impossible, because we have no written sources about the life of that ancient era. Most likely, this idol embodied the idea of ​​people of that era about forest spirits could be a warning sign go something in this kind. Perhaps other Ural finds will help scientists understand what is the meaning of the ancient carvers on this wooden sculpture to a tree.

Independent researchers who also keep a close eye on Shigir idol, noted with satisfaction that the orthodox science at least recognized that in the Urals there was a fairly developed civilization almost 12 thousand years ago. Most often, these are uncomfortable artifacts are simply silent or disappear without a trace.

Recall that the unique Shigir idol, which, as confirmed now, for many millennia gazes at this world its mysterious masks, stored in Yekaterinburg historical museum.


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