Giant geoglyphs of Kazakhstan

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Archaeologists from Kostanai University of Kazakhstan and Vilnius University of Lithuania exploring giant mysterious drawings found on the surface of the earth in The Turgai hollow in the south of the Kostanay region of Kazakhstan has never were able to determine their purpose so far. The only guess is ancient people used objects for ritual purposes.

Turgay swastika, near – squares

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

Turgai swastika – is an embankment in the form of three beam swastika with a diameter of 94 meters. To the right of the swastika are located seven embankments in the form of low mounds of different diameters from 15 to 33 meters. To the left of the swastika are bulk lines of a dumbbell-shaped forms. If the swastika, lines and embankments form a single ensemble, then the length of this geoglyph is 512 meters!

The so-called Kazakh geoglyphs were spotted back in 2007 in images from space “Google Earth”. Particularly impressed by the huge three-beam swastika with a diameter of 90 meters.

Kazakh drawings are in no way inferior – at least in size – those that are famous for the Nazca plateau. They are just as mysterious. Constructed from mounds and barrows. Some are reaching for hundreds of meters. Not visible from the surface, only with a large heights.

Objects are clearly man-made. Age – from 2 to 10 thousand years. More precisely, it is not yet possible to determine.

In addition to the Turgay swastika, 8 more geoglyphs are known today: Ushtogai square, Ekidinsky cross, two Ashchitastinsky crosses, square, ring and two lines.

Ushtogay square – is a geometric figure consisting of 101 embankments in the form of barrows. Side length of the square 287 meters! Approximately 112 m from the northwest corner of diagonally arranged three rings with a diameter of 19 meters each.

On the opposite side, 112 meters from the southeast corner is an embankment with a diameter of 18 meters. If square, rings and embankment are a single figure, then the length of the figure is 643 meters!

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

Researcher of the Kazakh society of alternative history Alpamys Itayakov claims that the buildings were built by ancient giants.

According to adherents of an alternative story, once a thin water layer covered the Earth’s atmosphere, and the content oxygen reached one third of the total air volume. Because of this incident in nature was dominated by gigantomania. 30 dragonflies centimeters, cave lions with a claw equal to a samurai sword, bus-sized cave moose were no wonder. Then lived six people tall people.

A photo from open sources

– It was these giants who built the pyramids, but they left after stone hedge and Turgai mounds in Kazakhstan, – Alpamys is sure. – Nomads found the remains of giants, and from there the myths went that these are the relics of saints. Russian ethnographers wrote: Kazakhs believe that Arystanbab was 40 meters tall. In fact, these myths were born because of the found remains of giants.

Scan ancient objects using a special equipment manufactured in 2007 by scientists from Kostanay State University, confirmed their hunch that these mounds do not contain burials, but are a kind of temples ancient sun worshipers.

Geometric patterns in all its beauty can be observed only a bird’s eye view. Any excavation at the site of geoglyphs may result in the loss of unique archeological objects – not only local, but also global significance.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

Giants Geoglyphs Kazakhstan Pyramids

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