Global Warming – Big Scam

Global warming is a big scamPhotos from open sources of

Global warming has long been a bit of a scarecrow for earthlings, while most of the scientists of the sun continue to scare us, coming up with increasingly creepy forecasts. But is this the case with really?

The other day, a professor at the University of California resigned, world leading scientist Hal Lewis, saying he was tired of participating in the largest scientific fraud of the twenty-first century, which called – global warming. Joining in due time members American Physical Society, says the scientist, he doesn’t even assumed that in half a century this club will turn into a real an octopus trotting trillions of dollars that are earned on this pseudo-scientific fraud, and also go to bribe scientists all over the world.

Who else doubts this, Hal Lewis emphasizes, let him study ClimateGate document revealing the whole truth from which hair stand on his head on end. Recall that Russian scientists, engaged in research on climate change on the planet, came to the conclusion that in the near future we are waiting for a global cooling, however, and you should not be afraid of it, since this natural occurrence.

It’s hard to say whether Hal’s statement has sobered the heads of the world’s scientists. Lewis, however, became aware that his opinion of the global warming today suddenly changed professor Johan Rockstrom Stockholm Institute, which is considered the most respected scientists in this field of research. True, Johan Rockstrom did not make sensational allegations of scam or fraud, but simply said global warming on Earth is likely to come not soon, especially in connection with the rapid implementation modern innovations in the use of alternative energy and the fight for the environment.

By the way, let’s say that Professor Johan Rockstrom with a group of colleagues in 2009 just shocked the world with its gloomy forecasts regarding the future of the planet. Scientists predicted catastrophic environmental pollution, complete destruction of the ozone layer planets, the extinction of many species of animals and much more. Today from all this horror list they left only gradual raising the level of the oceans, although in this regard is not so categorical.

A photo from open sources

Global Warming Time

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