Golden Age Prophecies

Surprisingly, there is a huge amount prophecies from a wide variety of sources that indicate particular the position of time in which we live. And although the predictions sometimes a thing is not completely reliable, but still they can be accepted as “information for consideration” …

Photos from open sources


Let’s start with the most “popular” prophet – Michel Nostradamus. IN his sensational book “Decrypted Nostradamus” Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, it seems, could correctly pick up the keys to the encrypted chronology of his prophecies. And what is their main conclusion? After a series of wars and turmoil on Earth should establish the Golden Age, by about 2035. It will be connected with by returning to this world a certain ancient spiritual teaching, forgotten by people.

Events in Iraq mentioned by Nostradamus with discouraging clarity:

“Left Militant will point to Mesopotamia (territory of Iraq) the hand … “(9.76).

“Five and forty degrees the sky will burn. Fire will approach from the great city of the new … “(6.97).

(At forty-fifth degrees of east longitude is Baghdad, “new city” – of course, New York)

NostradamusPhotos from open sources

And here is a little about what awaits us when all the worries will end:

“After that, the Golden Age will begin. Between God and people will be peace is made. Spiritual authority will regain the highest powers ” (From the “Epistle to Henry”).

A “new sect of philosophers Despising death, gold, honors, wealth, Native mountains will not be limited, In them followers will receive support and cohesion “(3.67).


Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, who became known throughout the world as blind woman Wang, more than once impressed her contemporaries amazingly accurate predictions. Granny Wang sometimes spoke and startling prophecies concerning the future of all mankind. Most surprisingly, the war in Iraq was also mentioned there and ancient teaching. So, once she said: “Soon she will come to the world ancient teaching. They ask me: “Will this time come soon?” No, not soon. Syria hasn’t fallen yet! “(Syria is very close to Iraq, moreover, Wang spoke slurredly and because, perhaps, she said “Assyria.” This ancient state was just on the territory of modern Iraq.)

And here are some more prophecies of Grandma Vanga: “The Earth enters into a new period of time, which can be called the time of virtues … The future belongs to good people, they will live in a beautiful world, which it’s hard for us to imagine … All the hidden gold will come out to the surface, but water will hide. So predetermined. (Under “gold” here means true wisdom.) … He will return to the world the oldest teaching. There is an ancient Indian teaching. It spread around the world. New books will be printed about him, and their will be read everywhere on Earth. ”

Bible prophecies

Among all the books of the Bible, there are two containing prophecies, turned to our days. This is the “Book of the Prophet Daniel” (“The Old Testament “) and” Apocalypse (Revelation) “of St. John the Evangelist (” New Covenant”).

BiblePhotos from open sources

The Prophet Daniel speaks of a time when “Kingdom and power and royal greatness in all the heavens will be given to the people of saints The Most High, whose kingdom is an eternal kingdom, and all the rulers will serve and obey Him “(Dan. 7.27).

John the Theologian says: “He will dwell with them; they will be His by the people, and God himself will be their God with them “(John 21.3). And Satan will be “fettered for a thousand years, lest he seduce the nations already.”

The same Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, who decoded the chronologies Nostradamus seems to have found the right key to timing, which are given by Daniel and John the Evangelist. And no matter how surprisingly, the “end of time”, or the beginning of a new time, by the prophecies of both books falls on the year 2038, almost near the date, indicated by Nostradamus.

Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe

Hasidism is a trend in Judaism that arose in the eighteenth century. Hasidim profess the joyful glorification of God by singing and dancing (which is very reminiscent of the Sankirtan movement founded by Sri Chaitanya in the sixteenth century in Bengal). Hasid led the world is the Lubavitcher Rebbe, teacher and spiritual mentor. Seventh on account of the Lubavitcher Rebbe was Menachem-Mendl Schneerson (1902-1994), made great strides in the revival of Judaism after the Second World War II. The last years of his life, he constantly talked about the coming of Moshiach (the Messiah who is to bring the spiritual liberation of all mankind). For example, in the spring of 1991: “Live now in the New Age. Study it. Talk about it. Carefully look at every detail of our world and imagine yourself, what will it be in these times. Be here. Not only accelerate his arrival, but also prepare to accept his good. ”

Dead Sea Scrolls

In the winter of 1947, three Bedouin shepherds were found in the Qumran caves on the shores of the Dead Sea ancient scrolls hidden there sect of the Essenes as early as 68 BC There were many in these scrolls predictions, some of which have already come true.

Dead Sea ScrollsPhotos from open sources

French linguist Felix Bonzhan was one of the scientists admitted to these scrolls. He claims that they say the following: “From 2025, happy centuries will begin for people without economic crises, poverty, wars before 11191. ”

Elena Roerich

Elena Ivanovna and Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerichs wrote a lot and they said that soon a new era will come on earth, an era higher consciousness. The secret knowledge of the ancients will be revealed to people wise men. This will be preceded by a period of great upheaval.

In one of her last letters (February 18, 1955), Elena Roerich writes about adverse events that will occur in late twentieth – early twenty-first century: “Events will turn out unexpectedly … Terrible time will be swept by a cleansing whirlwind. Difficulty in the fact that many still do not understand the reason and meaning of what is being done on planet … there will be no world war – just some clashes. ”


And what do the Vedic scriptures say about this? Vedas are the most ancient and yet the most complete scriptures on The earth. They contain surprisingly accurate and comprehensive information. about the structure of the universe, about time cycles, about the past and the future. IN among other things, in the Vedas one can find predictions of the coming of the Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, and even Queen Victoria of England …

The Vedas describe in detail the cycle of four eras, constantly repeating on Earth (and throughout the Universe): The Golden Age (Satya Yuga), Silver Age (Treta Yuga), Bronze Age (Dvapara-yuga) and the Iron Age (Kali-yuga). We have the pleasure of living in the Iron Age. It began in about 5 thousand years. back (this is exactly the time when they begin to unfold major events described in the Bible) and will last another 427 thousand years. However, this Iron Age is unusual (only one happens every 8 million 640 thousand years). 5 thousand years after it the beginning (just now!) should begin the dissemination of Satya Yuga – Small Golden Age.

VedaPhotos from open sources

In Brahma-vaivarta-purana, the Supreme Lord Krishna (“Krishna” on Sanskrit means “all-attractive”) says that after 5 thousand years after the beginning of Kali-yuga, in this world His great devotee will appear, which will spread throughout the singing of the holy names of God: “Not only in India, but all over the earth people will sing Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Thanks to this, the whole world will become one. It will consist of devotees of the Supreme Lord. And since the devotees of the Lord are very are clean, then anyone in contact with them will be cleansed of consequences of their sins. This era will last 10 thousand years. ”

Srila Prabhupada, who founded in 1966 in New York International Society for Krishna Consciousness Vedic knowledge all over the world, often said that we We are on the threshold of the Golden Age, which will last 10 thousand years. Here are excerpts from his conversation with Allen Ginsberg, the famous American poet and composer of the time, held in May 1969:

Ginsberg: What do you think: people chanting the Hare mantra Krsna, will it become more or less?

Prabhupada: More, of course more. Now their number will grow. People will take advantage of this opportunity for ten thousand years.

Ginsberg: And then?

Prabhupada: And then they will gradually stop doing it.

Ginsberg: So this is the last hope, the last breath of air?

Prabhupada (laughs): Yes. Therefore, the sooner we take the path Krsna consciousness is better.

And here are the words said in a conversation with Dr. Arnold Toynbee in July 1973: “This Movement will grow. For ten thousand years The Krsna consciousness movement will grow and expand: this is predicted in scriptures. But for ten thousand years, everyone will have the opportunity to gain Krishna consciousness and thus achieve the goal human life. And when these ten thousand years are over, dark days of Kali Yuga will come. But there is time. Ten thousand years – it’s a lot. ”

Vanga War Time Universe Life India Nostradamus Syria

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