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The crash of the American dollar is eagerly awaited around the world. Even in America itself, many analysts and experts conclude that the collapse of the green currency is inevitable, and it will happen soon time.
Amid this collapse of the dollar (and the euro too), the Russian ruble only strengthens for at least the last seven weeks, and all in a row and without any jumps. But because the ruble is becoming more strong and desirable for citizens of the Russian Federation. This is evidenced not only its rate against the American dollar or euro, but also that in Russia in these weeks did not happen expected by some forecasters hype, that is, none of the Russians rushed to buy cheaper foreign currency.
Moreover, the American dollar is increasingly overgrown with bad rumors that some experts have even called explicitly bad. AND this anxiety is growing not only in everything in the world, in the USA itself understand – something is wrong with the dollar. The other day Economic Advisor to the Largest Banks in the United States America’s Walker Todd signed a death sentence almost publicly American dollar. The professor was not afraid publicly state that the green currency is living out its last months, perhaps their there will be no more than two or three.
Like it or not, watch a documentary about all this “Where is the dollar going?”, In which there are answers to such questions of concern to all Russians: what does the foreign exchange market expect in in the near future, will the ruble strengthen in the future, and, most importantly, how will this affect store prices and living standards Russians.
Russia time