History Channel found in Antarctica mysterious ruins

ChannelA photo from open sources

Journalists of the international television channel “History Channel” made an amazing find that was talked about in a recent release famous ufological and conspiracy theological transmission “Ancient aliens. ”

The authors of the intriguing discovery were Joseph White and his colleagues, looking at aerial photographs of the Shackleton mountain range and completely accidentally spotting a square object in the ice that could hardly be created by nature. Although White suspects alien intervention, expert does not rule out that speech can go about the work of some ancient terrestrial civilization that has mastered Antarctica many millennia ago.

A photo from open sources

The authors of the program “Ancient Aliens” tirelessly prove that all the pyramids on Earth, including Egyptian, Native American and Antarctic (after all, this is far from the first such find) interconnected. Perhaps they are some emitters that constantly send into space information that happening on our blue ball. But just for whom? ..

Antarctica Pyramids

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