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The year of the Fire Monkey is approaching, and since this creature cheerful and restless, then miss and mourn in the coming period no one will have to.
However, this is only true if you are clearly follow the little recommendations of leading astrologers that they give each character individually, since we are all different, and because we react differently to certain situations in life, which ultimately determines our future life.
But there is something in common in these recommendations. For example, per year Fire Monkey all people, without exception, need to be given more attention to yourself and your family, take care of self-development and health, and most importantly – surround yourself smart, spiritual and enjoyable people, avoiding encounters with dark, limited personalities, unpleasant, even if they seem to us “necessary.”
In the coming year, you should definitely set yourself a worthy goal that will be achieved, especially concerns fire signs for which the upcoming period will become successful from the very beginning to the end. Earth signs in the year of Fiery Monkeys do not despair when in summer they feel fatigue – you just need to relax, putting aside all things, and then everything will take its course.
People of air signs will be able to show the most their best qualities, well, watermark year of the Fire Monkey preparing a special surprise – they will be able to achieve unprecedented success in career or business and perform almost everything that will be outlined for yourself.
Aries (21.03 – 21.04)
People born under this sign can only be envied, since the year of the Fire Monkey will be successful for them in all relationship. Women will experience unprecedented creative inspiration and the environment is very valuable to them people. True, in the second half years, numerous love adventures will not be able to outgrow into something serious. But don’t despair, Aries women are closer to New Year you will receive a gift in the form of a fateful meeting.
But men should take a closer look at their friends – the most time to determine who is with you and who is against you, and then urgently free oneself from the latter. A love boom awaits them in the spring, however Aries men need to be very careful not to fall into networks to insidious ladies.
Family Aries need to prepare for problems in dealing with their half, especially in the middle of the year. Compliance and one more time compliance is the key to successfully overcoming all difficulties.
Aries will not have much health problems this year, even ARI and runny nose they will not be afraid, but the old ailments are nowhere disappear, and their aggravation is expected in August or September. By this the same reason you should not abuse alcohol, it’s better to do sports, clean up the diet. And especially in thinking.
As for finances, the year of the Fire Monkey is successful for Aries. True, it is worth fearing that such success may turn their heads and lead to undesirable consequences. Will save from this concern for friends and, of course, for the closest ones – about spouse, children, parents. Aries men can be recommended do real estate where they can reach the highest results.
Taurus (21.04 – 21.05)
For Taurus, the year of the Fire Monkey will be a period of global change, spiritual growth, rethinking life and its values. By Therefore, the upcoming period simply cannot be stable, will be characterized by leaps, both in mood and in everything the rest. The main thing in this case is to accept everything as it is – calmly and with joy (even if fake).
For women, the beginning of the year will be very successful in terms of love, but again – no stability. Most likely to meet his man – in September-December. Male bulls in love one disappointment is expected at all, although they should be very attentive – closer to winter on their way may get caught the woman of dreams that Taurus risks passing by without noticing her fate
Serious trials of Taurus await in family life, therefore, in this period you need to show maximum wisdom and tolerance, the ability to compromise, avoiding conflict.
Full of dangers for Taurus will be the coming year and in terms of health, so it’s worth taking care of it in all seriousness, paying particular attention to possible diseases such as coagulopathy, staphylococcus, hemolytic anemia. To the above it is worth adding possible medical errors, especially when it comes to male bodies.
Women born under the sign of Taurus, this year waiting for financial independence, and men – good luck in any financial matters. true pride and vanity should be relegated to the background, then to you new partners will come (in the middle of the year), successful deals and success. Therefore, you should work more on yourself and show maximum flexibility, patience and, most importantly, spiritual generosity.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
The twins must prepare for pleasant surprises and meetings, which they are preparing for the year of the Fire Monkey, although in general this the period will be full of difficulties for them, as with the adoption of the right decisions, and with the achievement of any goals. The main thing here recognize the gift of fate in time and do not miss your chance.
Women born under this sign are waiting for constant changes moods, and men – possible problems with the law. Concerning personal life, then all Gemini expect serious changes that will lead to harmony in love. Both women and men will be irresistible and attractive, which may surprise many of them. However not worth to attach too much importance to this, let alone rush breaking bad. This is especially true for family Gemini, who the coming year promises calm and dimensions that are so easy to break.
Only twin women will have health problems, for them in In this regard, the year of the Fire Monkey will be a serious test, therefore, we must now draw conclusions and abandon, for example, excessive consumption of alcohol and all kinds of delights in food, quit smoking, move more and be more likely to be outdoors. A here men for stable health should just reconsider habitual food, otherwise they may have problems at work Gastrointestinal tract, as well as skin diseases.
As for money, for Gemini the coming year is not the best time, say, for investing in serious events, practically same bleak prospects in a career, albeit more successful he will be for men. The main thing, again, is to recognize and catch the moment.
Cancer (06/22 – 07/23)
For Crayfish, the Year of the Fire Monkey is a time of global change with a successful outcome. If they want to change jobs, an apartment, a wife or husband – do not miss the real chance to do it in 2016, especially at the end of it.
At the same time, the coming year can be troublesome and fussy, especially for women, and for men – dangerous in terms of material collapse. Top tip: Cancers in everything should rely on intuition, which they developed quite well, especially the beautiful half. And forget, Crayfish, for this period about all travels.
The coming year is decisive for Cancers and in a love relationship, however, women should remember that they are women, and therefore give initiative in making decisions for men. And the last will have to become it was men — strong-willed and decisive. Otherwise, good luck is not seen. For family Cancers, the Year of the Fire Monkey will be especially difficult, a kind of test of love and fidelity. Get ready!
You need to prepare for health problems, especially colds, women cancers are also subject to strong depressed.
In terms of finance, especially for women with cancer beginning of the year until May. However, in the middle of the year, when the situation will improve, do not risk money. But in men in In this regard, everything will be just fine – the entire upcoming period. Too risky, however, is also not worth it. But in the career of Cancer luck will be stable all year round.
Leo (07.24 – 08.23)
The Year of the Fire Monkey is especially favorable for the Lions, who during this period they will be simply irresistible in everything, unless, of course, arrogant. Remember, no one likes sorcerers and upstarts, including and the stars that protect you.
Female lions need to be careful during this period kind of dubious deeds and personalities, and for men, as it were, the other way around – Do not become too suspicious, which may break with your close and best friends. Entrepreneurial lions in 2016 may have trouble with tax service.
In the love sphere, women born under this sign are worth change tactics in relation to men, excluding categorical and the indisputability of their views and judgments. But the men have to jealousy test, they must remember that they simply provoke on this, in fact, nothing serious, although in the case of them restlessness can happen a lot of trouble, and not even excluded tragedy. But in family life, Lviv will have everything calm and smooth.
The Year of the Fire Monkey is extremely unfavorable for the Lions in terms of health, they should take care of him, rest more, right eat and seek medical attention on time, for example, do not to postpone a visit to the dentist.
The coming year will be successful for Lviv in terms of finances and career growth. True, women need to remember scammers, which flies for money, like flies for sweets, and for men – about a possible unsuccessful big deal. And yet, Lions, do not criticize in this period of your superiors, better try to understand them, mentally sending them a feeling of gratitude. And you will succeed, but the year of the Fire Monkey will be a time of rapid advancement in service.
Virgo (08.24 – 09.23)
For people born under this sign, the year of the Fire Monkey will be a real test, especially in terms of communication and personal growth.
Women, due to failures that have fallen on them, are waiting for a serious depression, so they should remember that everything will pass, and on their street there will be a holiday too. But men get out of any situation easily, even their innate secrecy will have to go to court.
On the love plan, the coming year for Virgins is a time of continuous conflicts, in the family, for example, there may even be a complete collapse relationship. The main advice – do not rush things, do not strive get everything at once.
With regard to health, the upcoming year for Virgo as a whole will be successful, however, old chronic sores may appear. Particularly serious attention should be paid to cardiovascular diseases and condition of the nervous system.
Financially, 2016 will be a good year for Dev, for women the most favorable will be the beginning of the upcoming period, and for men – real estate. Just not worth it to be too self-confident. This also applies to careers, for example, may turn up another, more profitable job or position. However, before leaving the previous one, it’s worth measuring seven times and only then cut it.
Libra (September 24 – October 23)
The coming year for Libra will be quite successful, they are waiting for excellent prospects both in work and in personal life, but everything can to spoil indecision and fear of taking responsibility, inherent in people born under this sign.
For example, women of this sign can meet their soul mate in end of the year, but do not even understand the sign of fate. And to men they’ll just have to conquer their happiness, so their determination doesn’t hurt. Particularly difficult year will be for family Libra. They need to show restraint and by no means cut off the shoulder. Better go the whole family on a long trip.
Health, as many understand, is a relative thing. Completely There are not so many healthy people in the world. However for Libra the coming year is a time of exacerbation of many ailments. For men the most the stomach will become a weak organ; for women, the joints. The best thing undergo a medical examination from the very beginning of the year.
As a fiscal year, the Fire Monkey year will be for Libra unstable. For example, at first luck will turn away from them, however in the summer they expect good deals and decent cash receipts. It is at this time that you should risk investing in big deal. But in no case should you borrow money, especially large amount. The upcoming will be very successful for Libra. year in terms of career growth.
Scorpio (24.10 – 22.11)
Scorpions can rejoice: the Year of the Fire Monkey – successful for there is a period during which many earlier outlined plans.
And although it will be very rich and productive, women for success is worth remembering the risk of being scammed by scammers and crooks, and men – at the beginning of the year to become hostages of problems, left “for later” from the previous moment of life.
In the love sphere, the coming year promises women scorpions break in relations because of their inconstancy, and for men, on the contrary, the ability to twist a family nest. Scorpions staying in married, get ready for the fact that at this time you will live like on swing, then rising to the heights of bliss, then dropping to divorce proceedings. In this case, more attention and love give to the children – your salvation is in them.
Some financial difficulties at the beginning of the year in the future may grow into favorable situations and successful deals. The main thing is not to panic and not to despair. Otherwise, you can spoil the whole A whole year favorable for Scorpions.
As for careers, Scorpios should focus on the work itself, and not in the struggle for a higher position. In that If she finds you. Scorpio men need to know that luck awaits them not in a change of organization, but in a stubborn advance towards your goal.
Sagittarius (23.11 – 21.12)
For people born under the sign of Sagittarius, the coming year will be a time of great change, which is serious get ready.
Women will finally be able to take a trip or make an expensive purchase, which they have long dreamed of. Their life will become more rich and varied, but for true success they will have to learn to bring everything to the end that Sagittarius dislikes so much. Archery Men the Year of the Fire Monkey will seriously experience for durability. The main thing for them is to properly prioritize and Do not forget about the rest. And yet – never play gambling!
For Sagittarius, the upcoming period will not be the best in love sphere. It will be better for women if they learn control your emotions, and men may even smile at luck, if they become more serious and self-critical. Moreover, Sagittarius will constantly be torn between work and relationships – this and will become a stumbling block in love. Family Sagittarius will experience in married stability bordering on boredom. They can be saved from this only children.
Well-being and constantly fresh look – that’s what awaits Sagittarius in the year of the Fire Monkey. However, do not relax and let it go. Remember, even good health needs take care. The weakest place in these people’s health is the opportunity development of allergies.
The stars promise Sagittarius in 2016 financial well-being. The main thing is not to advertise either your successes or your financial opportunities. Jinxing luck is what Sagittarius should be afraid of.
Career growth is possible for them only through hard work, not it is worth paying attention to the intrigues of colleagues and even more so get involved in this business, and then by the end of the year luck will certainly will smile at persistent and patient Sagittarius.
Capricorn (12.22 – 01.20)
If for some zodiac signs the Year of the Fire Monkey promises luck or change, then for Capricorn – this is a time of stress work, both on oneself and on other life situations. And only in this case will labor be rewarded, moreover very generously.
Women born under this sign may find an influential partner, and men will achieve great success, as in personal and professional growth. The main thing is not overdo it, especially at the end of the year, when it begins to manifest fatigue.
Big changes await women in the love sphere right from the start years, lonely can meet their man, and others – go out getting married. Capricorn men must make the right choice — or career, or love. Both that, and another – will not work. For family Capricorns in 2016 will be quite stormy, they should be more pay attention to family and children, even to the detriment of work.
In terms of health, Capricorn women will be a dangerous year this is especially true for viral and cardiovascular diseases. Men should follow the musculoskeletal system, for example, try to lose weight.
The coming year can give Capricorns a lot of money, and take them away. It all depends on the purity of thoughts and the legitimacy of transactions. Not it is worth people born under this sign, in 2016 also narrow their friends and relatives.
In terms of a career, the Year of the Fire Monkey will be for Capricorn very successful, because both creative burning and new ideas will be, as they say, beat literally over the edge. The main thing is not to miss the opportunity at this time to use all this potential for the good yourself and your loved ones. And you need to trust only intuition, but not at all logic.
Aquarius (21.01 – 19.02)
The successful year of the Fire Monkey will be for Aquarius, moreover in almost everything. The main thing is to correctly use new opportunities. This is especially true for women. For men, the upcoming period may be most successful for change of work, environment and place of residence.
The first six months are the most favorable for romantic relationships, especially for women. However, in the summer, women will be disappointed in love, and Aquarius men can meet their fate by autumn. Family Aquarius must remember that any conflicts in marital life needs to be decided with a cold head and a warm heart, not making hasty, and therefore stupid decisions.
Aquarians are always active and energetic, in this regard it seems that they no ailments are terrible, and even beyond the years. Year of Fire Monkeys can become fatal when the old and secret pop up sores. Therefore, Aquarius should seriously pay attention to their health, for example, quit smoking, stop passing, choose for yourself a health complex and so on. You can see the doctors so far do not contact, unless, of course, something serious happens.
In material terms, certain difficulties await Aquarius women, but men can even take risks – stars help them to come out with honor from any difficult situation. Only, what they should not do is borrow money.
Career growth for Aquarius, especially for women, albeit problematic in the coming year, however, stability in the former work intensifies and it will bring moral satisfaction and even increase in material wealth.
Pisces (02/20 – 03/20)
Rich in impressions, very bright and rich, will be 2016 for people born under the sign of Pisces. Their life during this period may change rapidly. In this case, the fish should not be afraid to do things, even if sometimes bordering on recklessness: Fiery Monkey will help them in any of their endeavors.
Women will have a period of relaxation after many years hard work, they can travel, flirt a little and to do a lot of pleasant things for them – everything will turn out the best way, although the best time for joy will be Spring.
Male fish will also receive the greatest gamut of events in their personal life, the main thing that they must overcome in themselves is indecision. It is courage that should entail the main thing an event in their life is a marriage that will certainly become happy. A family Pisces need to be very careful because their romantic impulses can lead to the destruction of the marriage union.
In terms of health, Pisces, of course, has nothing to fear, however minor diseases, say, toothache, colds can them to pursue. But these will be more likely symptoms of future problems with health. Therefore, Pisces should remember that any disease is easier prevent than treat then.
But financially, people born by this sign, everything will be just fine. In women, most likely, a wealthy patron, and a good gift awaits men in the form of expensive purchases that they have long dreamed of, for example, cars, country houses and so on. However, it’s worth to be very careful in the fall, because at this time a very “bargain”, which in fact will result in the loss of huge money, or even the whole state.
As for a career, the year of the Fiery Monkey will give everyone Pisces luck and career advancement. The main thing is to show initiative and not be afraid to demonstrate your abilities and talents.
Time Money Life Health Fish