Human brain welded 4,000 years ago in own skull discovered by archaeologists at excavations in Turkey

The human brain, welded 4000 years ago in his own skull, was discovered by archaeologists at excavations in TurkeyA photo from open sources

The find shocked scientists who, however, sin on natural processes leading to its appearance a brain whose age is determined at 4000 years was discovered during Excavations in Western Turkey at a Bronze Age Parking Site Seyitomer Huyuk. Prehistoric brain tissue well preserved, which seemed supernatural. How? This mystery that has been haunting for two years – since it was found a skeleton with a brain, it seems solved. The answer is our researchers from University in Istanbul (Haliс University in Istanbul) under the guidance of Professor Merik Altinoz (Meriс Altinoz).

Scientists claim that the brain lay in the ground for several thousand years in boiled. He was cooked directly in the skull. But by no means during a certain rite. Everything happened naturally, if possible. put it the way. Although a nightmare in fact.

During the excavation, several skeletons were found. They were under a layer of soil, which, in turn, was abundantly sprinkled with firebrands. And this, according to scientists, indicates that there was a strong earthquake – the area is seismically active. As a result of blows, elements of people fell asleep and stones. They were buried alive. A fire started from above – either fallen trees or buildings were burning. From high temperature, the resulting grave is heated so that the brain of one of the buried boiled in its own liquid. Skull became kind a bowler hat.

This brain is 4 thousand years oldPhotos from open sources

This brain is 4 thousand years old Photo: Haliс University

According to a colleague of Turkish scientists, Frank Ruhli from University of Zurich (University of Zurich, Switzerland), which participated in research, brain preservation promoted and mineral composition of the surrounding soil. It is rich in potassium, magnesium and aluminum. These substances react with human fatty acids. tissues form a substance similar to soap. And she is good preservative.

According to Ruley, the safety of the brain found is such that according to it pathological abnormalities can be studied, if any.

At first glance, the 4000-year-old brain is not particularly different from modern.

By the way, the “Turkish brain” is probably the oldest of numbers more or less preserved. Five years ago for this title claimed tissue found in a head severed 2300 years back. It was dug up at the university campus York (UK). She lay in a peat bog. On the bones of the skull, scientists determined that he got there in about 300 BC. Preservation of tissues was ensured by peat. He possesses embalming properties, the mystery of which is still not unraveled. But from peat bogs more than once mummified bodies lying there for hundreds of years. Vladimir Lagovsky

Turkey time

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