For some reason everyone is interested in how and under what circumstances creepy monsters of the Mesozoic – dinosaurs died. But much more intriguing question – how did they come about? Evolutionists believe that their ancestors were bipedal theododonts, similar to crocodiles and sometimes reaching a height of six meters, and also that direct the ancestors of the pseudosuchia dinosaurs (“false crocodiles”) walked on straightened hind legs, resting on the whole foot, as they do modern people. Even the meanest posts on this topic are always looked intriguing. Interest was compounded by the fact that in many areas of the world discovered very ancient traces, suspiciously similar to the tracks of an erect man. So, in Texas (USA) in six kilometers from the town of Glen Rose along the Paluxy River were chains of petrified traces of an erect creature found interspersed with traces of three-fingered dinosaurs. Is Mesozoic a man grazed a herd of monsters on the shore just like a rustic shepherd – a herd of goats or cows? One of the “human” traces stepping on the edge of a dinosaur’s footprint. If it’s not fake, then what? Photos from open sources
The trail leads to Turkmenistan. In the mountains of Kugitang-Tau on so called the Dinosaur Plateau, too, traces of man were discovered and dinosaur – in 1983, the Moscow newspaper reported news “(No. 24) with reference to the director of the paleontological museum Turkmenistan. The news then sounded in the program “Time”. One of the first recorded several petrified human footprints among many dinosaur footprints scientist Kurbon Amanniyazov. Human the footprints are markedly different from those left by the three-toed paws dinosaurs. The track is oblong, the heel is visible. Clear Length the print was 26 cm, which corresponds to the 43rd shoe size modern man. In total, six such traces were found. Them age is determined in the range of 150-200 million years.
A photo from open sources
In August 2000, at the invitation of the Institute of Geology and the Academy Sciences of Turkmenistan Plateau of dinosaurs visited by foreign experts led by Denis Swift of the Los Angeles Institute dinosaurs of the Museum of Natural History (USA). They confirmed availability traces, but did not make a final decision who could leave them in Jurassic period. That is, there is no clear conclusion on the results of the expedition and silence can be interpreted in different ways: scientists have discovered something sensational and for the time being prefer to remain silent; not wish to undermine their scientific reputation in the eyes of colleagues; not have indisputable facts to refute or confirm the version of the appearance of human traces in the Mesozoic. By According to some reports, petrified traces have recently been discovered, similar to human, and in Uzbekistan. Degradation? Dinosaurs could well have come from two-legged people, anyway appeared on the planet at the very beginning of the Triassic period (251 million – 201 million years ago). They could have come from beast-like reptiles living at the end of the Permian period about 260 million years ago, much earlier than the first dinosaurs. Bestial reptiles owe their name to resemblance to real beasts. Judging by the prints of hair preserved in a fossil state, some were covered with hair, and teeth were very similar to teeth of modern animals – there were incisors, fangs and cheek teeth. Thanks to this, the beast-eaters bit off food with incisors, tearing prey fangs and chewed lumps of prey with powerful molars like this many modern mammals do. Possibly beast gave birth to live cubs.
A photo from open sources
If ever in the future, science will establish itself in the thought that beasts could be the ancestors of dinosaurs and other reptiles Mesozoic, we have to admit that in the camp of reptiles during For a long time, large-scale degradation was observed. Them viviparous ancestors switched to laying eggs. Skin of the future the reptile was covered with keratinized scales. Reptiles lost separation of teeth into incisors, fangs, pre-molars and molars, and the birds completely lost all their teeth, turning their jaws into keratinized beak. Dinosaur teeth began to grow all their lives; retired replaced by new ones. This allowed to increase the number and size of teeth. However, you have to pay for everything: dinosaurs have lost the ability chew food normally, because they really don’t have a tooth on tooth hit. Closing of jaws disappeared (occlusion) – and the poor fellows swallow food without chewing. Tooth Cavaliers Between those in 2000 it became known about the features of the anatomy of early herbivorous dinosaurs – heterodonts (“labiaceae”). Them the remains were found in Africa, Asia, Europe and both Americas. They are known from the beginning of the Jurassic period. Scientists consider heterodontists ancestors of poultry-dinosaurs. As the name suggests “denticles” in these dinosaurs, like mammals and humans, incisors, fangs and cheek teeth are present; there is also an edentulous bone.
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When paleontologists first discovered petrified remains heterosaurs, they did not believe that they had a reptile. Fangs were look like real doggies. With cheek teeth this half-beast-half-reptile could chew food, as many do mammals and humans. Unusually, on the front legs of dinosaurs were four fingers apart. Little finger rudimented for unnecessary. But the thumb was opposed to the rest – like a person. What a miracle! Paleontologists believe that this a dinosaur could grab something with its front paws (hands) – for example, pick plants. Heterodonts, like many early poultry and dinosaur dinosaurs were bipedal, so such a scenario is not at all excluded. It is not clear why he collected plants? Maybe the cavalier heterodont gave the lady a heart flowers? Another thing is interesting. As the studies of Laura Porro from University of Chicago exploring the skulls of young and old heterodontists had milk and permanent teeth. If a permanent tooth fell out, its place remained vacant until the end of life. This is exactly what happens in humans. Heterodontic prostheses probably they didn’t know how to bet, despite their opposed finger on the palm; and in their old age they had to grumble. Yet in the 60s of the last century in Tajikistan on the banks of the Shirment River at at the foot of the mountains were discovered five-fingered dinosaur tracks – in his kind of the only ones. Dinosaurs usually have one to two toes rudimented, and the foot resembles a bird’s paw. Near the river Eighty million year old shirment in limestones found the skeletons of a whole herd of five-fingered dinosaurs. The egg was then The fact that the Plesiosaurs living in the Mesozoic were viviparous, It became known recently. Sensation reported by Nature magazine for 2011 year. In the stomach of a female exhibited at the Museum of Natural History in L os angel ese turned out to be an embryo. Much earlier, scientists found that other aquatic dinosaurs were also viviparous: ichthyosaurs and Mesosaurs So, about 11 petrified embryos are already known, found in the bodies of female ichthyosaurus. In addition, in June 2011 information was released that in the Chinese province of Liaolin a perfectly preserved skeleton of a petrified female dinosaur was found, who lived 120 million years ago. In her body immediately revealed ten well-formed petrified embryos … Looks like ancestors dinosaurs were viviparous, like humans. They began to put off eggs as a result of simplification of the reproductive cycle.
A photo from open sources
The fact that the ancestors of all reptiles were viviparous, writes embryologist SV. Savelyev in the book “The Origin of the Brain” (M .: “Vedi”, 2005) He draws this conclusion by comparing the structure of the ovum. reptiles with the germ of mammals. “Archaic reptiles hatched their offspring within themselves before the birth of formed individuals … Apparently, ancient reptiles quickly settled on land thanks to live birth, not developing the ability to lay eggs with durable shells. “The opinion of a specialist can be supported by the fact that many lizards and snakes are viviparous. So, 20 percent of all modern lizards are viviparous. Obviously these reptiles have inherited live birth from their more advanced ancestors, including there could have been people … Evolutionists have long believed that everything it was the other way around: first egg-laying, and then live birth. Hot Willy’s heart The dinosaur ancestors were warm-blooded. At least least, a dinosaur-teselosaurus (“strange lizard”), from which there remains a petrified four-chamber heart. Researchers called this is a monster weighing 300 kg Willy, and it lived 66 million years ago. Discovered in 1993 in South Dakota (USA).
A photo from open sources
Recent studies have shown that petrified four-chamber Willy’s heart contains iron – one of the main chemical blood hemoglobin components. One must also keep in mind that the fossilized remains of soft tissues and internal organs – a huge rarity. Crocodiles and birds have a four-chamber heart, but up to Willy’s petrified heart detection paleontologists believed that dinosaurs possessed a three-chamber heart and were cold-blooded. Probably, the ancestors of crocodiles and birds were also warm-blooded, had four-chamber heart and gave birth to live cubs. Great Permian extinction So from whom did dinosaurs come from? Can put forward a bold version: from people who lived before them, on the border Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras. In this regard, it looks intriguing global extinction of animals at the very end of the Paleozoic. Then, about 240 million years ago, about 96 percent of all species suddenly died out living creatures that inhabit the Earth, including beast-like. The epochal event received the loud name “The Great Perm extinction. “Perhaps his culprits were aliens? And through a couple of million years apart from their star brothers and sisters they turned into dinosaurs? The dinosaurs themselves suddenly died in the end of the Mesozoic, having existed for more than 160 million years. Could have ruined them another expansion of alien people who appeared on the planet about 65 million years ago. However, there are about a hundred theories of extinction dinosaurs. Most popular: they died from a supernova outbreak; from the collision of the Earth with a large asteroid; they poisoned angiosperms replacing gymnosperms; died from thirst due to drying out of reservoirs; dinosaur eggshell thinned due to lack of calcium and eggs with embryos ate small mammals; the dinosaurs were ruined by the cold; dinosaurs destroyed volcanoes; dinosaurs died of starvation, etc., etc. However, there is one hundred and first hypothesis, which for some reason is seriously taken by no one not considered. It is set out in a book by a paleontologist and writer I.A. Efremova “Star ships”. In a popular form it can be put it this way: intelligent alien humans destroyed the dinosaurs, suddenly appeared on Earth at the end of the Cretaceous Mesozoic. IN Efremov’s story, two paleontologists discover the skull of an alien under the petrified skeleton of a dinosaur … And indeed: in the desert Gobi, in China, in the spurs of the Tien Shan, in Canada and both Americas giant skeletal clusters discovered – the so-called cemeteries dinosaurs where cubs and adults are buried together. Often in such places, an increased radioactive background is noted – just right suggest that the Cenozoic exterminated the dinosaurs (the beginning of the era – 60-70 million years ago) a man using nuclear technology … Alexander Belov, paleontologist Time Dinosaurs Birds Plants USA