In 2026, the Earth will face a severe test

In 2026, the Earth will face a severe testA photo from open sources

The specialist predicts powerful outbreaks of infectious diseases. Scientist from Simferopol, professor of the Crimean branch of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Vladimir Sukharev said that the space duo of Mars and Jupiter is the most dangerous resonance cycle: on the account of this couple two third of all global catastrophes of the Earth. A couple of outrage peace Mercury — Mars can be safely called “epidemiological”: behind them are almost all the worst epidemics in the history of mankind. IN including the “brown plague.” It is on the day of the resonance of Mercury and Mars – January 30, 1933 – Adolf Hitler came to power. Mars — Earth — the carrier of destructive energies and deaths on water. Surprisingly, the fact: on the day of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was resonance “Uranus-Io” … “In addition, plays a large role gravitational impact of the moon. When it coincides with resonances of planets – the most dangerous situation is taking shape, says Vladimir Sukharev. – For example, all global disasters, happened over 4.6 billion years of the Earth’s existence, then when converging up to 30 resonances simultaneously. Lately the most dangerous dates were recorded in July and September 2009, when in resonance entered Mercury and Neptune. Then there were very unpleasant events associated with outbreaks of pulmonary plague epidemics – even in the Crimea. Until 2024, global cataclysms and disasters do not is foreseen. But 2026 will be a real test: it’s just rolls over the number of the most powerful resonances. According to mine forecasts, then there will be a decrease in solar activity to minimum, and on Earth, foci of very powerful infectious diseases. The appearance of their new species, for example, new types of AIDS. ”

Crimea Mars Mercury Epidemics

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