In 40 years, food can end on Earth – scientists

In 40 years, food can end on Earth - scientistsA photo from open sources

This is not the first time that humanity can be threaten complete extinction. As a rule, many theses revolve around disasters that can happen, and which result may become the extinction of life on Earth. These include and natural disasters such as floods, an earthquake or, conversely, the complete drying of the oceans, which will lead to the death of all life on Earth. Reason the destruction of life can become a man-made disaster of huge scale, which will happen through the fault of man himself. However in lately, scientists have increasingly put forward the version that humanity may cease to exist due to hunger, to to which we will inevitably move. According to scientists, a person there are about forty years left until all reserves food on earth will be exhausted, and this will also happen only through the fault of the people themselves. Many, of course, can argue with such statements, however, the version of scientists is quite reasonable. The main cause of hunger may be that people will become too much, and they simply will not be able to feed yourself. As a result, total hunger will begin, with which a person will simply not be able to cope. That’s why scientists give some recommendations that seem ridiculous to someone, however, they are quite logical, following them you can try avoid the total pestilence of people. Experts in this area advise replace the huge number of forests that exist on Earth with fields to be sown with crops. Thus, it will be possible to replenish stocks, and in a sufficiently large quantity. However, according to experts, it’s not only important increase food supplies, but also how to preserve them. To achieve the most competent preservation of food stocks scientists advise to abandon primarily production biofuel. On increasing grain yields mentioned above, this is, in principle, the most reliable way protect humanity from hunger. According to scientists, it’s also important is a decrease in the consumption of meat and products from it. To that Now, experts are concerned about food reduction. waste. Important, according to scientists, is an improvement quality material for fertilizer. World bee population rapidly disappears, however, with a more detailed approach to the question of the coming famine, it turned out that not everything depends only on human factor. As it turned out, an important role in the production and accumulation of food resources is played by a bee. No matter how paradoxical this may sound, but a man with his huge and powerful potential that considers itself the crown of creation, practically depends on a small striped insect, its role in human life is huge. And if you wonder about can humanity survive, if bees disappear from the face of the earth, then the answer is likely to be negative. Let’s try to figure it out why. The fact is that the main task of bees is not to produce honey, as many are mistaken. The main purpose of the bee is pollination of a huge number of crops, which plays a huge role in the yield of plants and the quality of their seeds and fruits. This was told by the director of the Research Institute of beekeeping of RAAS Corresponding Member of the Russian Agricultural Academy Nikolai Krivtsov. According to Krivtsova, bees pollinate about one hundred and fifty species agricultural crops, which in Russia, for example, occupy over nine million hectares. According to the most conservative estimates, the value of the harvest that is received annually thanks to the bees, is ten billion rubles. The role that bees play in human life is simply colossal, it is from their activities depends on a third of all food supplies that are needed to humanity. Against this background, it becomes most noticeable that Since 2006, the bee population has declined sharply, and every year this decrease occurs in large and large volumes. In this case, bee-dependent plants become more and more, only in the last half century their number has increased in four times, and the number of bees themselves has already decreased by half. From here only the saddest conclusions can be made. Less on earth remains bees, the closer humanity is moving towards hunger. It is worth noting that Albert Einstein, who still in the early 40s of the last century predicted that if on Earth if the bees disappear, then soon there will be no more people. Also this version put forward by the world famous soothsayer Vanga. Disappearance scientists directly associate bees with the ecological situation on the planet. A huge amount of chemicals emitted into the atmosphere only exacerbate the picture. Maybe it’s time to think?

Life Bees Plants Russia

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