Photo from open sources
In the east of the Republic of Bulgaria, European experts found interesting images of animal heads carved in stone. The exact age of the sculptures is still unknown, but scientists suggest that it can be many thousands of years. For current the moment it is also unknown which of the ancient peoples could them create. It is reported by the Bulgarian archaeological publication “Archeology in Bulgaria”.
Reliefs, according to reporters, were found near the city Sliven – the center of the Sliven community and the Sliven region in the southeast countries. First, the locals reported the find in the mountains, then after several publications of journalists, mysterious sculptures representatives of the regional historical museum became interested. IN experts are currently trying to determine the age of the find and its belonging to any ancient peoples inhabiting this territory.
A photo from open sources
Images of heads are located on the edge of a semicircular niche between the cliffs. The vast majority of sculptures depict goats, bulls and other cattle. You can also find reliefs with an image wild animals and mammals living in the water. Some sculptures preserved so poorly that it’s hard to determine – really whether it is a human-made image or still a result centuries-old activity of wind, sun and water.
A photo from open sources
In addition, some heads were hit hard by vandals. Not it is possible that the latter could find amazing sculptures much earlier than journalists, however, instead of immediately report the findings to scientists, they chose to break and destroy some of these valuable monuments.
It is suggested that the authors of these works could become Thracians – representatives of the ancient people who lived on east of the Balkan mountain system and adjacent territories. However, so far no accurate information regarding the find Bulgarian researchers cannot imagine.
A photo from open sources
Water Stones Sculptures