A photo from open sources
A group of Chinese archaeologists made a unique discovery near the world famous terracotta army in Xianye – ancient the capital of the country. Specialists unearthed the palace of Emperor Qin Shihuandi, which was erected in the III century BC. The found building is the largest building in the territory Shihuandi tomb, which is located on an area of 56 square kilometers. The size of the building is 90 by 250 meters. Despite the fact that the palace has more than two thousand years of history, individual fragments are in satisfactory condition. The remains of walls, gates, stone roads, as well as ceramic elements and part of the brickwork. The complex itself includes itself 18 buildings with one main building in the center. According to scientists, the palace is the forerunner of the Forbidden City (imperial palace in Beijing), although four times inferior to him to size. Qin Shihuangdi is the first ruler to unite China in whose era great constructions appeared. So he was initiator of the construction of the Great Wall of China. Also he forever inscribed itself in the history of architecture and archeology thanks burial complex erected in his honor. Exactly at the tomb of the emperor in 1974 found the famous terracotta the army. The army consists of 2,000 figures of generals, officers, spearmen, archers, made in full size. IN marching columns were also sculptures of war chariots with chariots and horses. In addition, each sculpture, apparently, sculpted from a specific person, since none of them are similar to another. 110 new warriors were discovered this year, reports vesti.ru.
China sculptures