In Indonesia, found the “divine” gold plates

In Indonesia foundPhoto from open sources

In the vicinity of the small village of Ringilaric in Indonesian on the island of Java, construction workers accidentally found an ancient treasure. Laying water pipes, they unearthed a small stone box size with a casket. Inside were gold plates with incomprehensible, at first glance, inscriptions.

The length of the stone case is fourteen centimeters, width – thirteen and a half centimeters, height – six. The builders immediately notified the discovery of local scientists. Neatly opening the box, experts found twenty-two miniature gold plates. The inscriptions on them, as it turned out, are made on Ancient Javanese – the oldest dialect of the Javanese language.

A photo from open sources

It is believed that artifacts were performed in the eighth century before ad. Employees of a cultural agency Central Java Province Heritage Report Report eighteen carat gold was used, i.e. seven hundred and fiftieth test. The alloy is also present in various volumes of platinum, silver, nickel, copper and palladium.

On the artifacts are written the names of lokapal – Buddhist and Hindu deities of the cardinal points. Eight of them are represented on the plates: god the north of Kubera, the god of the south of Yam, the god of the west of Varuna, the god of the east of Indra, the god of the southeast Agni, the god of the southwest Nirriti, the god of the northwest Vayu and the god of northeast Isan. It is noteworthy that in Javanese Hinduism the patron of the center was also revered, however plates with his name for some reason was not found. All nine gods are named Devata Nava Sang, that is, nine divine guardians.

Lokapal statues adorn many Hindu temples. In Indonesia these deities are also depicted on the emblem of the Majapahit Empire – the island empire that existed in east Java in 1293-1520 years.

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