A group of paleontologists discovered the remains of a mammoth Columbus (Mammuthus columbi), reports Mexican National website Institute of Anthropology and History. Photo from open sources To date, researchers 70% of the mammoth skeleton was recovered. Scientists have discovered a skull ribs, vertebrae, jaw and other parts of an extinct animal. Mammoth was found using techniques previously used in archeology. IN in particular, in their work, experts used georadar. Mammoth was found in the town of Milpa Alta south of the capital. By According to paleontologists, the remains belong to an adult 30-year-old individual. The bones of the animal were buried under a layer of ash from the volcano, the eruption of which occurred 10 thousand – 12 thousand years ago. Mammoth Columbus is considered one of the largest representatives of the family. elephant. Its weight was 10 tons, and the height at the withers reached 4 m.
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Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Mammoths Mexico