A photo from open sources
Currently in the Polish city of Gdansk are held archaeological excavations. Scientists have already extracted several from the earth interesting artifacts, among which was a leather dildo eighteenth century. This was reported by journalists “Central European News. ”
Excavations, according to press officials, are ongoing ancient female fencing school. Together with the “adult toy” experts found swords, coins and pottery here. A dildo is a relatively large item, made of buffalo leather and having a wooden tip. The artifact was preserved in good condition.
Representatives of the Polish Institute of Sexology said that archaeological find is undoubtedly interesting, but nothing It’s not outstanding. It is known that throughout many thousands of years, humanity has used various intimate toys made of wood, leather, stone and, ashamed to say, even cattle manure.
So, at the beginning of this year, archaeologists from Germany discovered prehistoric stone dildo whose age, according expert estimates exceed twenty eight thousand years. Find already took pride of place in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest “toy for adults”, preserved to this day.
Ancient artifacts Poland