A photo from open sources In Georgia, an early mound was found Bronze Age. Ancient wild fruits found in the funerary a cell in Georgia, they were laid there 4000-5000 years ago, they say archaeologists. Photo: Georgian National Museum . Inside the burial were discovered well-preserved wild fruits. Placed in the graves in as food for the souls of the dead, they lay underground for thousands of years and so well preserved that when scientists cut them, they exuded the smell of fresh fruit.
A photo from open sources
Fruits were placed in honey. Honey has also been found around bones in burial chamber, which indicates that he used to embalm bodies.
Honey contains little water and a lot of sugar. Honey, like salt, able to push water out of bacterial cells, drying them before how they get to food, in this case, to corpses. As a result Honey allows you to save the body. Honey is a combination sugars and hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is used to cleaning wounds from bacteria. It also kills bacteria leading to decay and decay.
The ancient Assyrians, who lived east of Egypt, kept the bodies in honey. When Alexander the Great in the VI century BC conquered persian the city of Susa, he discovered a large amount of purple by the age of 200 years, which is perfectly preserved under a layer of honey.
In 2011, scientists isolated bacterial from certain types of honey. strain with very unusual properties. He is able to produce a turincine H compound which has a helical structure. This the structure penetrates the shell of other bacteria and destroys them.
“This compound acts like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It repeats the structure of the molecules that form the shell of bacteria, and destroys shells “, – says an article published in Cornell university.
Other important finds in the mound
Dr. Zurab Makharadze, Head of the National Archeology Center Museum of Georgia, e-mail talked about some other important finds in the mound. The mound has a width of 100 m, internal the building space measures 9 m by 6 m. There were found two four-wheeled carts. It is the best preserved vehicles of that era from ever found.
A photo from open sources
Trolley wheels found in Georgia in a bronze burial century. Photo: Georgian Nationa lMuseum
Archaeologists have found evidence of looting in those times, including dug tunnels into a room, damaged artifacts and the remains of tel. Probably some robbers were at the ceremony burial places. Some facts suggest that thieves knew which things are placed in a burial place, Makharadze said in an interview Georgian magazine Agenda.
In all likelihood, there were human sacrifices: servants were buried with their masters.
Despite the looting of the mound, there remained some artifacts: dishes decorated with ornaments, amber beads and 23 item of gold, some of them are large artistic value, says Makharadze. Also found unique wooden chair, nuts, elderberries, products from fabric, arrowheads.
A photo from open sources
Armchair of the Bronze Age found in Georgian burials. Photo: Georgian Nationa lMuseum
A photo from open sources
Gold and carnelian beads (brown-red mineral), discovered in the burial of the early Bronze Age in Georgia. A photo: Georgian National Museum
Good condition and unique characteristics of many artifacts attach great value to this place, says Makharadze. “Burials allow you to get a large amount of scientific information. Its importance for the archeology of the Caucasus and the Middle East undeniable, “he said.
Mounds allow you to understand the culture of ancient Georgia in the same way how the pyramids make it possible to study Ancient Egypt. Human the remains were studied in a laboratory in Germany to find out possible family relationships of the buried and their reason of death.
Water Ancient Artifacts Egypt Pyramids Fruit