A photo from open sources More than a thousand years ago, a Japanese monk by named Kukai decided to set an example of higher self-denial and dedication to God, turning himself into a mummy. So it appeared practice called “sokushinbutsu” – a special long procedure preparation for death “without decay”
More than a thousand years ago, a Japanese monk named Kukai decided set an example of supreme self-denial and dedication to God by turning himself into a mummy. So there was a practice called “sokushinbutsu” – a special long preparation procedure for death “without decay.” If successful, the resulting mummy with honors placed in the temple – for worship by other believers.
Kukai himself (774-835 AD) was a Japanese monk, an official, scientist, poet, artist and founder of the esoteric sect, known as “singon-syu”, combining the elements of Buddhism, Shintoism, Taoism and other religions. Toward the end of your life Kukai entered into a state of deep meditation and refused to write and water, which, in the end, led to his voluntary death. His the body was buried on Mount Koya. After a while, the grave was opened and Kukai was found in a state similar to a dream – his body has not changed, and the hair is healthy and strong.
Photos from open sources of
The process of turning yourself into a mummy is quite lengthy – it takes more than two thousand days (i.e. about 5.5 years).
The first step is to rid the body of fat. For this, a Buddhist, decides to mummify, sits on a diet consisting only of nuts and seeds, and sits on it for a thousand days.
Photos from open sources of
The next task is to drive out as much water as possible. A since the body consists mainly of fluid, then on this stage there is serious discomfort. During this period, the monk allows yourself to chew a little bark and pine roots. So another one goes thousand days.
Then they drink a special, very poisonous tea, prepared from lacquer tree juice (Pilot used this juice to unique ink production; approx. mixstuff.ru).
If tea causes diarrhea and vomiting, then everything goes according to plan. So part of the liquid comes out of the body, but, what for the future mummy more importantly, lacquer tree juice permeates the insides as would “cement them” and protect against the formation of all sorts of larvae.
Photos from open sources of
And the final stage is still alive, but the mummy is already seated in the lotus position in a tiny room with stone walls, where she and sealed up. All. It remains to meditate and wait for death.
Buddhists believe that if you completely abandon the physical peace and thus achieve enlightenment then in the next life instead of being reborn, you can go straight to state of Buddha.
Water Life Mummies Japan