In the Sea of ​​Galilee found their Kitezh-grad

In the Sea of ​​Galilee found their Kitezh-gradA photo from open sources

A giant monumental stone structure discovered on bottom of the Sea of ​​Galilee in Israel. Scientists are puzzled: for what purpose and how long it was built. It has been suggested that his erected on land as a burial place, and after some time it was under water. Conical Mysterious Object is a pile of uncut basalt cobblestones and boulders and weighs approximately 60 thousand tons, which exceeds the weight most modern warships. Embankment height reaches almost 10 meters, diameter – about 70 meters. For comparison: the diameter of the outer circle of Stonehenge is half that its high stone blocks do not reach 10 meters. All over Apparently, this is a giant cairn – as they call it in archeology artificial structures in the form of a pile of stones. (In domestic archeology terms are often used – mound, tour, dolmen-red) Often they are conical in shape. Similar facilities found around the world, sometimes they marked the burial place. This building was first discovered in the summer of 2003 during sonar survey of the southwestern part of the Sea of ​​Galilee, reports the online edition of LiveScience. Then to study it Divers connected. A thorough examination revealed that some boulders reach a meter in length and that they are without any systems are dumped into a common pile. On the stone surface there are no signs of processing it with human hands. Also no trace walls marking the boundaries of the structure. At the same time there is no doubt that this is a man-made, not a natural creation. Probably originally created on land and only subsequently ended up on the day when the sea level rose. Before you find out purpose and time of creation of this structure, it is necessary to carry out underwater archaeological excavations and find any artifacts. Israeli scientist Yitzhak Paz (Yitzhak Paz) from the University. Ben-Gurion suggested that the structure was created more than 4 thousand years ago, because it was in the III millennium BC in In these places there were many megalithic buildings. Among them, in in particular, Khirbet Beteiha, located at 30 kilometers northeast of the sunken structure. She represents three concentric stone rings, the largest of which totals 56 meters across. If the hypothesis is about dating the third millennium BC is confirmed, then this structure was located approximately one mile north from a fortified city like Bet Yerah (Bet Yerah, or Khirbet Kerak). The Jerusalem Talmud mentions two walled cities around Lake Kinneret (other name of the Sea of ​​Galilee): Bet-Jerah and Zinabra (Sennabris). On the throughout the third millennium BC the city of Bet Yerah was one of the largest in the region. “This is the strongest and most a fortified city in this region and, in fact, throughout Israel, “- says Patz. Archaeologist Raphael Greenberg describes it in one of the chapters of his book, Everyday Life, material objects and complexity in the early urban Southern Levant communities (Daily Life, Materiality, and Complexity in Early Urban Communities of the Southern Levant) as a fortified settlement spread over an area of ​​30 hectares and where lived up to a maximum of five thousand inhabitants. It was paved streets and high defensive walls. All this also points to existence in the city of municipal authority, which was in able to support community structures, Greenberg said. “16 archaeological layers have been discovered; the oldest layer is early khananaan. Beth Yerah was destroyed during the Middle Canaan period and restored during the Second Temple period. In the Hellenistic period Philotheria named after the sister of the Egyptian ruler Ptolemy Philadelpha, according to the Jewish Encyclopedia. – The earliest traces human stay date back to about 3200 BC spite. In the Middle Bronze Age, the settlement was concentrated in the southern parts of the hill. Beth-Jerah subsequently remained unpopulated in for about 1,500 years, until the Persian period (to this The period includes several burials found here). Bet Yerah reached its peak in the Hellenistic era. The city was finally abandoned in the 7th century. “According to Pats, for the construction of a giant kairna to the same extent all of the above factors are necessary, as then: the presence of a large number of people, the governing body, careful planning, as well as a relatively developed economy. Igor Booker

Water Time Israel

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