In the Third World War, Russia will become an ally of Russia USA

In the Third World War, the United States will become Russia's allyPhoto from open sources

Retired Turkish Major General Osman Pamukoglu in his book “Third World War” led an unexpected forecast, in which in the event of a major military conflict, Russia’s ally will become USA. Association of countries, according to the military analytics will happen in the confrontation between India and China.

Pamukoglu is sure that the country will unleash the Third World War, against which time works. The reason for the beginning of the conflict may become any unpredictable incident, such as destruction fishing vessel or plane, terrorist attack, or something yet. When the situation becomes critically unbearable, United States will be forced to side with Russia in the military conflict.

Pamukoglu is convinced that a major military conflict cannot be avoided, since at present, states are investing huge amounts of money in their own weapons.

Andrey Vetrov

War Time Russia USA

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