Independent Astronomer: Mars Threatens Earth planetary disaster

Independent astronomer: Mars threatens Earth with a planetary catastropheA photo from open sources

So claims an independent astronomer from Volgograd, who has long been already got the most modern equipment available for the amateur, and therefore carefully and fairly successfully explores our solar the system.

One of the favorite topics of men is Martian. Studying red He devoted many years to the planet and its impact on Earth. Today astronomer claims that Mars at the end of this January may make a real natural Apocalypse on Earth.

Here are approximate statements by this researcher who prefers to remain incognito:

The orbits of Mars and the Earth are such that every 780 days these the planets are very close, lining up in relation to the Sun in one line. Once every 15 years, such a confrontation becomes Great, because at this moment Mars in its perigee is approaching the Earth at a very short distance. Until now, this is not reflected on the state of our planet, and for amateur astronomers and the holiday began at all: Great confrontation is the best time for the study of Mars, then it can be observed even with the unarmed the eye.

A photo from open sources

However, in the last of such confrontations, which happened July 27 last year, Mars for an unknown reason (perhaps the influence of the Earth and other cosmic body) changed the trajectory and speed of movement, descending to another – the smaller one is the orbit. So now he must return to Earth in the end of this January. Moreover, moving in its new orbit, Mars can come so close to us that it will almost cross lunar orbit and thereby seriously affect the Earth, because He has much more gravity than the moon. For our planet it will be a great catastrophe commensurate with the end Sveta.

As far as one can believe such statements, no one knows. Why astronomers are silent about this is also a mystery. The author himself theory claims that world government holds this information in secret, intensely preparing for evacuation from Earth, from here and such silence. But the question is: is it possible to shut up the approaching Apocalypse, if on Earth dozens of the largest and hundreds of medium Observatories with thousands of experienced professionals with deep knowledge and much more powerful and perfect equipment than a Volgograd lover? Something’s bad I believe it, especially given the fact that he himself was somehow “shy” speak openly by saying your name. Maybe afraid responsibility for their own forecast, because it’s not very believes in him? ..

Well, how many planets deadly for the Earth like Nibiru, comets and asteroids, not to mention aliens? Can, all independent space researchers and ufologists time switch to optimistic forecast mode? Because how say the eastern sages, the world around us is such as we are we want to see him. Talk in this case about some kind of invented objectivity scientists simply do not have to …

The end of the world Mars

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