Indian guru at the economic forum SPIEF

Indian Guru at the SPIEF Economic ForumPhoto from open sources

At the last 22nd international economic forum in St. Petersburg (SPIEF) visited and even made an Indian mystic philosopher, famous guru Sadhguru.

RBC journalists did not fail to meet this famous a person of world renown and asked Sadhguru to answer to a number of questions. That’s what he told reporters spiritual leader India:

Why am I attending events that seem to be have nothing to do with spirituality? This is not entirely true. It was a time when religious leaders played a major role in society, and then they were replaced by the military, the last replaced by politicians … But only in our time, that is, just now, decide the fate of the planet business leaders, the economic elite, so to speak. True, she still lacking the necessary mentality, but if she gets it, then can do real miracles in society – for the good of all civilization and every single person taken in her.

Correspondents, of course, asked the Indian enlightened yogi and what he thinks about Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin. Sadhguru said the following:

Despite the fact that Russia today stands firmly on legs, recovering from the collapse of the USSR, she has one unresolved a problem that, as they say, spoils everything. No country resources deprived, smart heads, too, but the whole hassle is that in all over the world Russia is misunderstood. For most earthlings – it is a huge country of severe frosts, half-wild people and terrible concentration camps. Therefore, people are even afraid to go here. Here why Vladimir Putin needs to try hard to change that distorted view of Russia in the world. Then and only then understanding and cooperation will come …

At the end of the conversation, the famous guru answered one of the most burning issues of our time – is it worth it in the near future wait for a new world war. According to him, she has been going for a long time, but this war does not unfold on the fields of physical battles, but on level of information and diplomacy.

No need to cling to the past, philosophically stressed Sadhguru, but also the future should not be afraid or idealized. If you are doing a great job today, that means that you can work with eternity. And nothing else is needed especially do not worry about tomorrow …

Vladimir Putin War Time India Russia

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