A photo from open sources
In the small village of India, Squeak Nagri, which is located near the town of Ranchi, Jharkhand County was once discovered just a fabulous artifact – traces of the gods captured on granite.
A team of researchers led by an Indian scientist N. Priyadarshi found out that the prints of the tracks are very similar to prints sandals worn by ancient Indians in the past. And different the size of these prints allows us to conclude that they belonged two different soles of such sandals, or two different people who “walked here”, leaving traces, according to the legends themselves Aboriginal people.
According to local legends, these traces were actually made by the gods – Rama and Lakshmana, who in this area were looking for the lost Situ is the wife of Rama.
Geologist N. Priyadarshi himself agrees that in reality footprints (sandals in this case) on granite could not leave people. This was done either by the gods, or, more likely, ancient Indians simply carved in stone in memory of those mystical events.
A photo from open sources
This is confirmed by the no less surprising image on the same a boulder, only on its other side – a drawing of a mysterious the aircraft, also carved in granite (he certainly I could not print myself). It turns out that the ancient inhabitants of this the settlements met with the “gods” and saw their ship, which tried to perpetuate as the most significant event in their of life.
Unfortunately, the age of these “granite drawings” of the village of Piska Nagri has not yet been established, since science does not interested in revealing “divine tales”, especially since such a finding fully fits the definition of “inconvenient artifacts “that perplex scientists. And although this artifact does not pretend to how many other similar witnesses of antiquity deep to rewrite our history, but subtly “hints” (especially a picture of a mysterious aircraft) to visit of this area by aliens who apparently called themselves Rama and Lakshmana. Of course, for the ancient inhabitants of India they were by the gods …
By the way, according to independent experts, if you push from the hardness of granite, which depicts these traces and UFOs, then with taking into account local weather conditions, this artifact is at least five thousand years, and even much more …
Ancient artifacts India