Photos from open sources of
And although the third prophecy of Lucia (as a result of the “divine” eclipses in the Portuguese village of Fatima) that October 13 this year there will be a collapse of a huge mountain in the ocean, which will cause terrible in its consequences megatsunami, did not come true, the island of La The palm tree in the Canaries and its awakening volcano Cumbre Vieja threatens to fulfill the intended, albeit with some delay.
However, the exact dates of the predictions – this is another great the delusion of the human mind, as mediums and sorcerers say, no one can say with accuracy to one day when will happen an event seen by a clairvoyant.
Currently, the Cumbre Vieja volcano is about to explode, Spanish authorities even issued a shock card that shows the most serious tremors in its vicinity.
A photo from open sources
Today there are more than fifty of them, and the most powerful have reached 2.1 points on the Richter scale. True, experts of the National Geographical Institute of the country believe that small earthquakes much more, their number is approaching four hundred, and this a real seismic storm that portends a volcano explosion, and then the death of the whole island.
And in this case it is quite possible that “a huge mountain will fall in sea ”, as it was shown a hundred years ago to the girl Lucia from Fatima, after which a gigantic tsunami will inevitably arise, high up to 1200 meters, which will rush to America and England …
Island Earthquake Volcanoes