Photos from open sources of
A resident of Norway back in 1968 was given the divine revelation of the third world war. At one time she talked about this evangelist Emanuel Minos, who only today, almost fifty years later, decided to divulge this secret knowledge.
World War III and terrible disasters on Earth, according to medium will fall before the second coming of Jesus Christ. True, before this, peace will be established between world powers for many years (Is this not a respite that the world experienced at the turn of the millennium?), but trouble then comes suddenly.
At this time, Christians will turn their backs on God and the temples will be empty, the world immersed in moral decay, television and other means mass media will teach people how to kill and destroy surrounding.
Poor nations will flood into Europe (note that in the sixties of the last century, nobody even knew about mass migration) and will captivate her, and the local population will hate them and treat them not better than fascists with Jews.
The third world war will be short, but very destructive, America, Japan and Australia, as well as leading states of Europe. The rich will rush to poor countries where will be treated by the local population as much as until recently, they were demonstrating themselves to refugees.
I am glad that I will not live to this hour, with tears in my eyes the woman said, and here you will witness this doomsday (these words related to Emanuel Minos). Find the courage and tell about all the people.
Emanuel found courage, but isn’t it too late? Although tell him about earlier, who would believe him? True, today this knowledge they don’t decide anything, and, it seems, they will not affect the course of events, whatever troubles the future might threaten us.
A photo from open sources
War time