Isaac Newton also tried to determine the date Apocalypse

Isaac Newton also tried to determine the date of the ApocalypseA photo from open sources

This follows from Florian Freistetter’s book, Isaac Newton: Gifts A ** and reboot of the Universe, “a researcher who has been for many years dedicated to the study of the letters of the great English scientist, thanks which concluded that the latter predicted the date Apocalypse.

Newton allegedly managed to analyze and understand a lot Christian texts, due to which he introduced readers his doomsday scenario (by the way, the scientist signed such treatises by the pseudonym Jehovah Sanctus Unus).

According to these treatises, Freistetter claims, by 2060 year (key date mentioned by Newton) Earth will “reboot”, having thrown off all the devil’s husk, and the world will reign again Kingdom of God. True, before this earthlings awaits real chaos – terrible wars and terrible natural disasters. However it will a cleansing moment, after which a new era is coming – a complete harmony and universal love.

British scientists struggled to unravel the letters of Isaac Newton more than 40 years. Today in the person of Florian Freistetter and practically with pages of his book, they claim that they were able to understand the main thing prediction of the great physicist, mathematician and astronomer. Because the the end of the world today will not surprise anyone, Newton’s prophecy (if it really was) can be considered another “funny horror story “, especially since, unlike intimidation of supporters mysterious planet Nibiru approaching Earth, Apocalypse the great English scientist will not come soon. This is what the main, and very pleasant, highlight of this foresight …

End of the world

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