Judgment Day is just around the corner …

Judgment Day is just around the corner ...A photo from open sources

The authors of the project “Judgment Day” on January 22, 2015 moved clock hands two minutes ahead, which means that for our Planet World catastrophe day is much closer.

Scientists reported this at a press conference held on this incident in Washington, and tried to explain what served the reason that the doomsday arrows went forward. The thing is, that until January 22, the arrows showed at five minutes to twelve, then mankind has and so there was not much reserve to change his mind and stop the arms race and the upcoming environmental disaster.

Now these arrows are already showing three minutes to twelve. Arrows moved forward, according to the authors of the project, reflect the recent increased danger of both nuclear war and climate threat.

Today, scientists say, the world, as never before, is right up close before Judgment Day. World leaders are currently committing one political mistake after another, which has already led to a confrontation two great powers (the Cold War between the USA and Russia). And the likelihood of a nuclear war that just can’t for someone to end in victory, and therefore threatens every resident Earth is too big.

Recall that the symbolic clock (Judgment Day) was launched in 1947 by American nuclear scientists who were already then predicted a global catastrophe due to nuclear weapons on the planet. The decision to transfer the watch is taken Directors of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists magazine, which includes eighteen Nobel Prize winners. Farthest from at midnight the position of the shooters was in 1991 – at seventeen minutes twelve. After that, the arrows moved forward only one reason – increased danger of environmental disaster. Today the nuclear threat loomed again, and therefore the arrows reached truly record-breaking approach to Doomsday.

War time

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