Jupiter and Venus change Earth’s orbit approximately every 400 thousand years

Jupiter and Venus change the Earth's orbit approximately every 400 thousand years.A photo from open sources

Science has long proved that our Earth, at least in the last two hundred million years has survived four clearly identified geological period, which we call the Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Cenozoic, as well as the Pliocene – the largest glacial period. Similar “cataclysms” have seriously changed on the planet flora and fauna, contributing to the development and improvement of various species of flora and fauna.

All this was somehow connected with a change in the Earth’s orbit under the influence of Jupiter and Venus. The other day in an article published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, scientists told that geologists led by professor Dennis Kent (pictured) from Rutgers University — New Brunswick first discovered indisputable evidence of these geological changes, i.e. found rock samples that actually “record” on film “happening on our planet.

A photo from open sources

Here’s what Professor Kent himself says about this:

Climatic cycles associated with the impact on our planet Jupiter and Venus, and major changes are repeated every 400 thousand years. Moreover, such changes, as shown by geological deposits have been stably manifesting over hundreds of millions of years. That is, celestial mechanics play a dominant role in changing climate, and hence the flora, fauna on The earth.

What gives a new discovery study? According to scientists, this allows you to create today such geological and climatic maps that will contribute to more accurate forecasting global changes in the future, for example, determine the exact date when the pole change of our planet comes, oh which today many independent researchers trumpet with might and main, including conspiracy theorists foreshadowing the approaching Apocalypse. However, in reality, everything is much simpler – one can foresee future global disasters are pretty accurate, relying on scientific data, not the words of magicians and clairvoyants.

Venus Jupiter

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