Kazot – mystic writer and prophet

Kazot - mystic writer and prophetPhotos from open sources of

Why are some writers given the talent of prediction, the ability to look into the future? For example, many science fiction writers were distinguished by this, the same Herbert Wells. Among such extraordinary personalities was 18th century French mystic writer Jacques Cazot.

Having published the story “Devil in Love”, he not only became famous as a talented writer, but was also noticed by a secret society illuminati who after the publication of this mysterious book They considered him theirs and even sent a messenger to him. What it was a surprise of both, when Kazot was not involved to no secret communities. However, for some reason he knew some secrets and their initiations.

As an unrivaled narrator, Kazot surprised his friends and familiar with the ability to compose the most fantastic things with such realistic and detailed details that in any of his tales I wanted to unconditionally believe. No wonder that the Illuminati believed in the authenticity of the story by reading it “Lovers the devil. “Many attributed this to the exuberant fantasy of the gifted poet and writer, and only a few, closest to Jacques, people knew that he has the gift of foresight, the ability to look into others, worlds invisible to us.

A photo from open sources

It is noteworthy that Kazot at a dinner party in 1788 (all this then the writer Jean-Francois Lagarpe will describe), when the noble gentlemen began to discuss the impending French revolution, he suddenly declared that she will certainly happen. Moreover, he told how each of those gathered will be, one way or another, killed by her. For example, doctor felix Vic d’Azir, poet Jean-Antoine Roucher, politician Jean-Sylvain Baia, the Duchess de Grammon, like Queen Marie Antoinette herself, will finish his days on the scaffold, the thinker Nicolas de Chamfort will open his veins and will die from this a few months later, and so on. Does not pass this cup and the king of France himself, as if summed up his the prophecy of Jacques Casot.

To the indignation of the Duchess de Grammon, what did he say nothing about of his fate, the mystic gloomily said that he was also waiting for death. AND everything happened exactly as predicted by Kazot. Himself he, already 73 years old, was arrested by Republicans and sentenced to death, but his daughter Elizabeth stood up for him, trying to take all the blame. She charmed the judges so much that they let go of father and daughter. However, when friends began to congratulate Kazota with pardon, he only grinned. Three days later they chop off my head, he suddenly said. That was September 22, 1792 of the year. Indeed, he was arrested again, and on September 25 mystic writer and prophet was executed …

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