Large Hadron Collider – Occult project

Large Hadron Collider - Occult ProjectA photo from open sources

The other day the magazine “Esoterica and forecasts” published an opinion some progressive scientists of the world who call the CERN project, that is, the Large Hadron Collider, an occult, built in the interests of the dark forces and with the goal of destroying our planet and our The universe.

Billions of euros to prove a theory without practical value

Let’s ask a question: who could single out a few billions of euros for the construction of this purely scientific project (by official version to prove the presence of antiparticles), and every month to allocate ten million euros for its maintenance, if he really has neither commercial nor military values? Since CERN is even talking about the commercial purpose of funny, the second remains. But against whom will this new be directed weapons, if forty leading countries took part in its creation the world, including the USA and Russia? This is where the occult background of all this fraud.

A photo from open sources

The site for the construction of the CERT is far from random – it’s of the land of Saint Genis Pouilly – the occult commune known since of ancient times under the name Apolliacum and serving in honor of the destroyer gods Apolion, Shiva and Mount. Their temple stands today in the center of the Large Hadron Collider, and near the headquarters of CERN The statue of Shiva, the destroyer god of the Universe, is displayed. Scary even imagine what experiments are planned by the “scientists” of this corporations …

However, CERN Director Sergio Bertolussi does not even hide them especially, telling reporters that through the doors of measurements the LHC should to leave “something”, and perhaps this “something” will be sent through them … It turns out that the Large Hadron Collider was built specifically for the discovery temporal-spatial portal, comparable to the gates hell through which this “something” will penetrate our world and destroy his.

Some researchers call the date of the next discovery attempt of this black portal – from twenty-first to twenty-seventh September of this year. It is this date, that is, when will happen another Apocalypse, today some modern the prophets.

But will the prediction come true this time too? question, because the Forces of Light do not sleep, either. Probably for this the reason the LHC so far only shows one or the other problem, demanding more and more financial investments. But money is easy are, and, I think, CERN will fight for the LHC to victory end, as its leaders and sponsors are completely under the control of dark forces.

Collider. Blow up the universe

This is the name of the documentary project that addresses the question of what the Large Hadron Collider is and to whom it needed. In particular, you will learn that even before its first launch little-known scientists Luis Sancho and Walter Wagner sued CERN They demanded to prevent the launch of the LHC, since it can create a black hole (“the gates of hell”) and devour our Earth. IN as evidence, they referred to the conclusions of the Russian physicist, working on the main detector of the collider, Arkady Mulin.

But Russian scientist Mulin soon dies in a car disaster in very strange circumstances, and all of it developments disappear without a trace. Naturally, the court dismissed the lawsuit. physicists, and the LHC was launched. This diabolical project, despite all malfunctions and even suspension of the collider, despite the growing the army of his opponents, is still not only not closed, but continues to be heavily financed, and, in spite of any world economic crises. Is all this strange? ..

Hadron Collider Universe Portals

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