Last president

Photo from open sources

Disturbing signs Disturbing signs serve the bowels of the Earth at western coast of the USA. Last year, the series were recorded earthquakes in the states of Washington and Oregon. This year is shaking already California coast. The whole Pacific ring is awakening. Not managed to fall asleep Kilauea volcano in Hawaii, which recently burned the whole village, as volcanoes of Kamchatka wake up one after another and Indonesia. The Sakurajima volcano remains active for a long time. Japan. The Pacific plate is moving. What will happen to huge masses of water above it? It depends on whether the plate or vice versa will rise, but in either case, when sudden changes can cause giant waves, spreading in different directions from the places of shift. At risk – the most extensive areas from Australia and South China to Japan, Russian Far East and the West Coast of America. The situation is aggravated by the fact that this is the most western North American coast stands on one of the longest faults of the earth’s crust – San Andreas, crossing California from the south on North. Apparently, the Emergencies Ministry knows something and therefore offers the United States cooperation. According to some information, already a little too late. Meanwhile, the United States is preparing for the elections, which due on November 6th. As you probably already know, a new the term is claimed by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, as well as (surprise!) Gary Johnson and Bill Stein. Only now will the next President of the U.S.A? Visions of a sleeping prophet

Photo from open sources

Edgar Cayce this year marks 135 years since the birth of the prominent American forecaster Edgar Cayce. is he Born in 1877, died in 1945. With his predictions, Casey surprised the whole world. And especially the USA. At the beginning of his journey he is more engaged in healing. Having no medical education, set accurate diagnoses and prescribed treatment using medical terminology, sometimes known only to a narrow circle of specialists. Did he is, plunging into self-hypnosis, and all that he said during self-hypnotic sleep, the stenographer wrote down. His fame its was huge. In 1910, the New York Times (October 9) devoted a long article to him called “Illiterate self-hypnosis becomes a doctor. “Casey later famous for his predictions, which he also made in state of self-hypnotic sleep. The stenographer wrote down everything what the predictor said in a dream, because when he wakes up, he, like as a rule, he did not remember anything from what he said in a dream. Therefore and received the name: sleeping prophet. What came true from the predictions Casey? In her prophecies, Casey predicted the start dates and end of World War I, then just as accurately predicted the beginning and end of the 2nd world war. They predicted and called the years “great American Depression “: 1929-1933. Even described in detail panic on exchanges. He made quite a lot of predictions. global nature that have already been fulfilled. Therefore his prophecies in the West enjoy special trust. But for the future of the United States, he did not prophesy anything good. Can that’s why they try not to remember it. Casey predicted giant world cataclysm. As for America, then predicted, in particular, that New York, Connecticut and all eastern the US coast will shake so that they simply disappear from the face land. The waters of the great lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico … Wake up volcanoes in the USA and Hawaii, and such a huge wave will sweep that California’s southern coast will disappear underwater. South America will shake from top to bottom … By the way, Edgar Cayce predicted that The 44th US president will be the last … Doomsday watch hands not…

Photo from Open Source San Andreas Fault in California. A photo: Wikipedia Based on the said prophecies, it turns out two options: either Obama is re-elected this year and then the promised disasters occur at any time in the next 4 years, or all of the above is accomplished in the short term of more than 3 weeks remaining before the election. As recent events show on Pacific volcanic ring, this can also be. But geological processes, as you know, the thing is slow and still very poorly predictable. Everything is even sadder: eruptions and earthquakes in our time are not predictable not at all. Where it smells next time, seismologists do not know and do not may know. Their forecasts may or may not come true, but more than half a century before this prediction with a specific reference to the events were made by an unusual American, whom people called “sleeping prophet.” They also say about him that he never was wrong. Who deserves more trust: modern scientists or he? And his prediction says that the Third World War is not will be what Wang agrees with him. But here, as we see, bringing together predictions and news about the latest seismological events on Earth, we do not get a clear picture of what will happen and when exactly. Yes, probably such a forecast can not be. At the watch There are no Judgment Day arrows – they will not show the exact time until disaster. But this, however, does not mean that nothing is certain. will happen. Signs of the time rather indicate the opposite.

Barack Obama War Water Time Volcanoes Earthquake USA Edgar Cayce Japan

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