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The most famous dying words in the world are spoken Caesar “And you, Brutus?” Today – how can you make it original: 10 last words of famous people. 10th place: the most mysterious turned out to be king Henry the Eighth: the only thing he managed to say meaningfully – this word “Monks” three times. The last day of life hallucinations tormented him. True, Henry’s heirs just in case persecuted all accessible monasteries, suspecting that the king poisoned by one of the priests.
9th place: Heinrich Himler, who with the last effort of will said: “I am Heinrich Himler,” although in 1945 there were very few people who would not know this. However, they say Reichsfuhrer some confession began to speak – it happened in the presence of British military officers – but the poison worked very quickly.
8th place: “Wait a minute.” It said the pope Alexander VI. Everyone did just that, but alas, nothing worked out, dad did die
7th place: “Everything is fine with me,” Herbert said in 1946 Wells. And he was right – in three minutes he was gone.
6th place: Unhappy Maria Antoinette, who was executed only for that she is a queen. Before the guillotine she smiled at the executioner and said: “Sir, I’m sorry, I’m not on purpose!”. Unfortunately, the executioner was revolutionary set up, and did not forgive Maria. By the way, the night before Maria’s execution Antoinette converged a very complex card solitaire. What is she made a guess, unfortunately, is unknown.
5th place: Karl Marx asked everyone to get out.
4th place:. Immanuel Kant joyfully said “Enough,” and, to me this seems to be the best last word.
3rd place: Euripides, who, according to rumors, was simply horrified by near death, and when asked how he could fear death such a great philosopher, he said: “That I know nothing.”
2nd place: British King George V, who died in 1936. With the last effort he brought to the nearest environment unflattering and completely unprinted assessment of one of its ministers. Thank God this minister was not in the room, and honor the royal house was not affected. By the way, Georg was then in a very respectable age, and his loved ones were shocked, because in life had not heard anything like it from him.
1st place: Empress Elizaveta Petrovna extremely surprised doctors, when, half a minute before death, she rose on the pillows and, as always, menacingly, she asked: “Am I still alive ?!” But, the doctors did not have time to get scared how everything was corrected by itself.
A life