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Surprisingly, in 2011, when this prediction letter was sent from Riga to Moscow to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, few people paid attention to those prophecies. And only now, when they began to come true, about the words of the Latvian pastor, finally, remembered.
Of course, no one, true, wanted to believe in prediction, that Russia has a difficult road, even with some tragic events. However, there were optimistic notes in it, which then, of course, according to the oracle himself, they saw dimly distinguishable. And the pastor said the main thing:
Russia will survive the largest in its history awakening, and this very awakening will hit the whole world, therefore that the state will be at the peak of its development, easily deciding not only their own, but also global problems, helping many countries and nations do same success. For example, an interesting fracture will occur in relations with Germany and Poland, which will rise together with Russia, strengthening in friendship and mutual benefit. Russia now (presumably, we are talking about 2011) threaten anarchy and chaos, however, in the end it will break out of the captivity of this tenet and will continue his journey in stability and real wisdom.
A photo from open sources
Great leaders will contribute to this. God will prepare Russia, and such bright and wise persons will not only in government, but also in church, in business, culture and so on Further. Thanks to them, a multinational state will flourish in mutual friendship and harmony of peoples, which will contribute to more lasting alliance and moving forward faster. Russia, stressed the Latvian pastor will be the first country to will solve the world problems facing almost everyone today states. And when Russia firmly stands on its feet, the world, Finally, it will gain stability and security. And it all lies in the enormous potential of the Russian soul – an inexhaustible treasure our planet!
A photo from open sources
You can ironize arbitrarily over this prediction, like this many people who don’t want to see the powerful and wise Russia, but here’s what is surprising – Yuri Kravalis was not the first and far from the only one who predicted a great future for the Russians. Moreover, the prophets did it seem to be far from Russia itself, who lived even in countries hostile to it, of which it is First of all, the USA, and even today Latvia cannot be called our friend. But true prophets, as they say, have always been cosmopolitan, deprived of such “dignity” as national pride …