Participants in the ill-fated campaign lifelong poisoned their whole lives, but it was hardly he who killed them. Photos from open sources
Skulls of several expedition members discovered in 1945 on King William Island (photo by National Archives of Canada / Canadian Press). Franklin’s expedition has become sad more mysterious. Chemists from the University of Western Ontario (Canada) with using a set of the most modern equipment found that the jars in which the food was stored were not the cause of the lead poisoning the crew of two ships departing in the middle of the XIX century explore the Canadian Arctic. “Perhaps we will never know that happened to Franklin and his team, – the leader is pessimistic study author Ron Martin. – But one thing is certain: popular hypothesis that lead found in bones dead, got there from cans, not confirmed. “British expedition under the command of John Franklin hit the road in 1845 and disappeared. Remains some of its 129 participants were found (with traces cannibalism), but one and a half hundred years of searching for the ships “Ereb” and “Terror” they didn’t give anything. What happened to them? How did they die? On this account there is only speculation. Three graves of crew members found on Beachy Island, were exhumed in 1984. The analysis showed that The direct cause of death was pneumonia and tuberculosis. At that while the bones of men found an abnormally high lead content, which, most likely, significantly weakened their body and clouded mind. It has been suggested that lead fell into the skeleton from food, and food from the solder used to seal canned food. Mr. Martin and his colleagues reanalyzed the bones using methods, appeared over time since those studies. Really, there was too much lead and it was also wide widespread, and therefore it is unlikely that he could accumulate in such quantities for several months of travel. Also not places of especially high concentration of lead, which would be expected if the toxin was consumed shortly before death. It is logical to conclude that lead poisoning had a place even before the expedition began, and most likely it was absorbed sailors throughout their lives. lead sources are excluded and ship’s lead pipes water pipes. Lead is poison for the heart, bones, intestines, kidneys, reproductive and nervous systems. Symptoms of lead poisoning include confusion, which is very tempting to explain some decisions made by Franklin and his crew after how their ships got stuck in the ice – for example, hike along tundra, dragging boats behind it, loaded by no means the most necessary things like silverware. Mr. Martin’s group concludes that if Franklin and his team really poisoned with lead, they would have felt unwell long before expeditions. The results of the study are published in the journal Applied. Physics A. Compiled from CBC News.
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