Lost fragment of the ancient Earth discovered scientists

A Lost Fragment of an Ancient Earth Found by ScientistsPhoto from open sources

Australian scientists unexpectedly discovered signs of an ancient magma reservoir in the center of our planet. Age of this formations can be compared with the age of the moon. By the way, recently scientists have found that the moon is much older than the earth.

Scientists conducted an analysis of the isotopic composition of helium contained in 23 fragments of super-deep diamonds thrown out by powerful volcanic eruptions. What is important, the bulk of diamonds formed at a depth of 150-230 kilometers, from where it is carried flows of magma to the surface. There were times when to the surface Earth carried diamonds formed under the earth’s crust at depth 230-800 kilometers.

Scientists have found that the structure of isotopes inside diamonds is similar the structure of gases that existed before the collision of the Earth with The moon.

After our Earth has formed, it is many more times was hit by other space objects, which later influenced its structure.

Scientists suspect that there is a reservoir with a substance whose structure has not changed for four billion years.

Andrey Vetrov


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