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According to the Mayan Long Numbers Calendar, December 21, 2012 current earthly civilization ends. People will enter completely a new civilization that is different from the current one. Maya did not tell people about reason for these changes. One thing is clear: “last day” does not mean any disaster; on the contrary, implies a spiritual transition to a new civilization with a new holistic understanding of the universe. Mayan didn’t own our advanced technology today but they possessed amazing knowledge in astrology and mathematics. There remains a lot of inexplicable. They spread a network of roads, but not used the wheel. Therefore, they did not need to grow large cattle and horses. However, it turned out they knew how design wheels, as it later became known that Maya used wheels as children’s toys.
The doors of the temple of the moon are decorated with an image of the back of the moon. Modern scientists were amazed by what they saw, they could not understand how could maya see her? The moon is always turned to the Earth alone side. Perhaps they were gifted with wisdom and possessed understanding of the universe. Maya had her own system improvement. Mayan civilization suddenly disappeared at the peak of its development. Scientists could not find out the reason for this.
In 1521, the Spanish conquistadors found only an empty city, abandoned by the Mayans. Spaniards destroyed most of the written evidence of this civilization. Three surviving books are not enough to understand her. Maya disappeared long ago, but their calendar remained “long numbers”. It predicts the completion date of the current civilization, this is December 21, 2012. Who did they leave it for prophecy? December 21, 2012 – the last day of the thirteenth Baktuna, according to the Mayan “long numbers” calendar. Mayan fixed this date as
We turn first to the Mayan calculation method:
Number of days Term
1 Kin (day)
20 Unial (the key number in the Mayan calendar is 20)
360 Thun 7200 Katun 144000 Baktun
For example, equals 6 Baktuns, 19 Katuns, 19 Tunam, 0 Uniala and 0 Kina. Total number – 6 * 144000 + 19 * 7200 + 19 * 360 = 1 007 640 days. equals 13 * 144000 = 1 872 000 days, almost 5 125.36 years. J. Eric S. Thompson believes Maya is equivalent to Julian Day, the number 584,283, namely, this August 11, 3114 BC is 5,125 years after that dates, that is, December 21, 2012.
Given that the Mayans were experienced astronomers, scientists, studying the Mayan civilization by studying the situation stars as of December 12, 2012, understood the reason why the Mayans defined this day as the last. This day coincides with the winter solstice. The sun will definitely be in point crossing the ecliptic of the Milky Way and the equator. In this point the Sun will be located at the gap of the Milky Way, and the Milky the way as if “sits” on Earth. It will be like opening Heaven’s gate for the earth.
In 755, a Mayan cleric predicted that after 1991 years, two main events will take place: people will come to understanding the universe and cleansing the earth and spiritual will come rebirth. In fact, Maya was called the last 20 years of the 13th Baktuna (from 1992 to 2012) “Spiritual Revival of the Earth” or “The period of purification of the Earth.”
In fact, we often see features of the future in our Everyday life. However, people ignore them. Similar prophecy there is also on the back of a one-dollar bill of the USA. One of seals – a pyramid. This pyramid has 13 steps. At the top The 13-step pyramid is the bright eye of wisdom. (On the initial the picture was a palm tree). This implies awakening people after 13 Baktuna. The inscription Annuite coeptis means that the gods care about our behavior. Novus Ordo Seclorum – New Order in New era.
We live in an era of materialism. Modern man care money, external beauty, desires, pleasures, success, power and social status is more than anything else. Such modern values lead to a general collapse of consciousness. People becoming more indifferent to evil, violence, disasters, terrorism and the madness of society. Few people realize that the human world is moving towards self-destruction.
What power is able to cleanse the Earth in this state? society? It’s definitely not going to be managed state laws. Since these laws are written by people, laws are loopholes. Violators may evade punishment due to his position or money. Also using law can only be punished for behavior that is seen others, but they cannot change people’s souls. This will not help major achievement of science, because it is science that contributes pursuit of material pleasures and a growing deviation from moral behavior and consciousness.
This power is for returning to morality and for awakening person. Definitely, people should think about it, and such people should be more. However, it’s not easy to resist in a society full of temptations and temptations. Not to mention the number of people capable of start with yourself! If only a few people think about it, then this will not be enough. It may clear some people, but not the whole earth.
According to the Mayan calendar, 1992 is the first of the last 20 years 13th Baktun. (20 years – Unial. Mayan calendar names the last 20 years, the period of purification of the Earth). Among the main events of the latter ten years can be regarded as the cleansing of the Earth, only after the emergence of Falun Dafa teachings with its principle of Truthfulness-Compassion Patience. “1992 was the first year Grand Master Li Hongzhi introduced Falun Dafa to the general public. Masters Lee’s Birthday Hongzhi – May 13. (Again the number 13).
For a short seven years, from 1992 to 1999, the number cultivators in China reached one hundred million. The teachings of Falun Dafa has helped cultivators get rid of many diseases, vices and temptations. Do not be tempted by a world full of temptations and taught to think about yourself. This is tantamount to “digging in yourself” in terminology cultivators. Millions of people cultivating themselves, striving for kindness and patience, can be regarded as part of the evidence of “cleansing the earth.”
In July 1999, Jiang Zemin’s regime launched brutal persecution Falun Gong teachings. This may seem like a coincidence, but this was inevitable in terms of history. First, the occurrence This event was predicted by the prophecy of Nostradamus. Nostradamus predicted in his book of prophecies “Centuries” about a big event, which will happen in July 1999. This event will be very important. milestone. It will be the beginning of the battle between Good and Evil. Most his prophecies are obscure, expressed in terms of his time. However in in this case, he indicated the exact date – July 1999. This is obvious. (Please see Lee’s article for detailed explanations. Hongzhi “Regarding Prophecies”).
Secondly, from that moment, Falun Dafa entered the world stage. This was no longer a regional or separate improvement. groups because the power of purification and spiritual rebirth must cover the whole world and have the power of spreading the Truthfulness of Compassion Patience and the annihilation of evil. The all-encompassing impact of this everyone in the world will see. Every inhabitant of the Earth has the opportunity to reflect on this and draw your own conclusions.
Thousands of years ago, Mayans, studying the stars, predicted: awakened people will complete the Holy Purification of the Earth mission. December 21, 2012 years, people will enter a new civilization.
Tszyu Ming
Universe Moon Milky Way Nostradamus Pyramids Sun Civilization Maya Universe Moon Milky Way Nostradamus Pyramids Sun Maya Civilization