Media and blogs discuss Vanga’s prophecies about Ukraine

Writer Sergei Lukyanenko recently commented on his blog:

“It’s interesting that at one time Wangi’s predictions were quatrain, which everyone considered the fantasy of the Bulgarian grandmother: “Crimea will come off from one shore and will grow to the other. “Well, indeed – how can Crimea come off? Now we saw how …

But even more surprising is the following prediction, which It was considered completely meaningless and incomprehensible. And try understand it now!

“Crimea will tear off from one coast and grow to the other … In the region underground holes and man-made mountains everything will shake, this will collapse much in the west and much will rise in the east. And the Sagittarius will come and it will be twenty and three years old, but what stood twenty and three years – will be erased into powder … ”

That’s what amazing things open up if you carefully read wangu!

P.S. Since there are unbelievers, I took a picture of these quatrains …

The media and blogs discuss Wanga's prophecies about UkraineA photo from open sources

IA “Russian News” took a fresh look and found even more interesting points.

543.4 “In the land of underground burrows and man-made mountains, everything will shake, from this will collapse much in the west and much rise in the east. AND Sagittarius will come, and will stand twenty and three years, but what stood twenty and three years – will be erased into powder … ”

Explanation: “In the land of underground burrows and man-made mountains” – it is obvious that Donetsk land, Sagittarius – Igor Strelkov – leader defense of New Russia. “… and will stand twenty and three years” – this prediction of the future, and here is the second part, “and what stood twenty and for three years – it will be erased into powder … “- this is obvious … The state after the collapse of the USSR, it lasted 23 years.

A photo from open sources

But on 544 Sergey Lukyanenko did not pay attention at all, and it’s also exactly on target!

Namely: “There will be a cry, there will be gunpowder, there will be darkness, there will be a rabbit, but everything will be scattered and carried away by the wind … ”

Decoding: cry – Klitschko, gunpowder – Poroshenko (still in in adolescence, he earned the nickname Gunpowder), rabbit – nickname Yatsenyuk, darkness – Tymoshenko.

Those who wish can make sure – buy or find a publication: Wang Predictions and Prophecies, Volume 4, Moscow, 1999, publishing house “TP”.

In the end, we give one more prediction of it:

“There is no force that could break Russia. Russia will to develop, grow and grow stronger. Everything melts like ice, only one thing will remain untouched – the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. All she will sweep away from her path and not only survive, but also become sovereign of the world. ”

Vanga Crimea Russia Ukraine

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