There were many more countries and civilizations on our planet than нам это преподают в школах и вузах Фото изopen sources
Recently, interest in alternative history and to fill in the white spots of the official history everything flares up stronger. On our planet, as historians and independents prove researchers, there were much more countries and civilizations than us this taught in schools and universities. Why is historical science glosses over some data about the past of people living in the immemorial antiquity of our planet?
It is simply unprofitable for them! The thought is neither new nor original: if recognize the story that was actually going to have to lose lots of armchairs and briefcases, but who wants it? Other the reason lies in the materialistic view of many historians and researchers to the question being studied. Lately in a huge the amount of evidence that our ancestors lived by their own, unknown laws, had secret knowledge and unimaginable skills. How can this knowledge and skills be recognized? modern scholars who with tenacity worthy of the best applications, they say, as if according to Chekhov (poor Chekhov! And he managed to say such a phrase!) “This cannot be, because it can never be! ”
So, our today’s story about a mysterious country, supposedly that existed in the distant past on the shores of the White Sea, and about expedition that decided to find her at all costs traces.
According to numerous local traditions, in this area in antiquity there was a country called Biarmia – with emphasis on the penultimate syllable has nothing to do with the “army”. She was on at times very extensive – stretched from Karelia to the Urals and occupied the territory of the current northern Russian provinces: Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kirov, Perm. Big territory, agree! As for the name, the word itself “biarmia” is associated with the name of the people of Perm (or Komi) – in antiquity known as “beormas”.
So say many legends. But for a long time these legends remained just legends. Numerous undertakings searches for traces of a mysterious country yielded absolutely no results. And only recently, the case seems to have finally moved forward dead center. Now in the north of the Russian Republic is quite successful large-scale international project “Integrated humanitarian research in the White Sea basin.” His initiators were archaeologists of the Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and their Scandinavian colleagues from the universities of Tromsø in Norway and Uppsala in Sweden. IN many independent media take part in research information, research results are starting to be published. For example, correspondents of the Russian magazine Itogi became participants of one of the last expeditions within the framework of this project. Together with scientists, the journalists had to search in the White Sea islands material evidence of the existence of an ancient Mysterious Biarmia.
Before starting the project, the researchers turned to surviving oral and written sources. So, one of these sources narrates that at the end of the 9th century one Western European historian mentions a certain Norwegian traveler named Otar, who embarked on a long voyage to the neighboring country. Upon his return, Otar tells what he saw in his traveling a vast but sparsely populated area where on his way he came across only rare settlements of fishermen, camps of hunters and birders. Otar paid particular attention to the fact that they said these people in a language that was not much different from the language of the nationality Suomi (Finns). This sparsely populated area was called Byarmia.
Ancient Scandinavian contain mentions of the country of Biarmia legends telling about the legendary viking campaigns in the neighboring the northern country is Fennoscandia. After studying these very meager sources independent researchers have expressed a very harmonious the hypothesis of the existence of an established system at that far time water communications connecting the territory of Biarmalanda (Biarmia), Karyalanda (territory of modern Karelia) and the entire coast Gulf of Bothnia, as well as their connection with other areas – with Ladoga, and later with Novgorod and its subordinate lands. there is and confirmed by ancient Scandinavian annals biarm life. So, they say that biarmas were engaged in fur fishing and trade, and Biarmia itself (this must be addressed special attention!) was revered by the Vikings even richer in land, than Arabia itself. And Arabia at that time was considered almost the richest country of the inhabited world known to our ancestors. The Scandinavian annals tell about well-established life biarma, about their high culture, about wonderful products, which they use it themselves and are willing to trade. All this speaks of the fact that the country on the White Sea in those distant times was already the point of contact and cultural interaction of the West and East.
Zone of Interest for Researchers and Journalists Covering Their Work was determined in advance: the western and southern coasts of the White Sea – Pomerania and Karelia. Researchers planned to land on numerous islands that have already been found by the local population, or the remains of unusual ancient structures can be discovered. The project participants specifically waited for the onset of summer to Gandvik (as in the old days locals called the White Sea) completely freed from ice and to avoid the attacks of the fierce sea, still possible in cool May. Moryana, this gale in combined with wet snow, always delivers a huge amount trouble to the daredevils who went on sea voyages. AND nevertheless, the project participants met with Morskaya: just such the name was a yacht, which became their houseboat for several expeditionary days.
Her captain Vasily Dmitriev met a group of researchers in the ancient Pomeranian village of Sumy Posad. To all expedition members at first he seemed a man of few words and even gloomy. But, as it turned out later, the captain was simply preoccupied: the first exit to the sea after a long winter is a very important event.
Expeditionary ship, carefully avoiding the stormy rapids of the Sumy River, got into the Onega Bay – into the open sea. Right at the yacht course sea hares jumped out of the cold depths and, having satisfied their curiosity, they again hid under the water. At all The White Sea is a true paradise for a naturalist. Bye researchers “hanging out” between the islands, whom they just did not see: white-tailed eagle, osprey, shag, scrub, waders, swans, wild geese, only gulls counted eight species – from large sea and whales to polar terns and skuas.
But on the horizon and the island of Salma Luda, one of the first on the way expeditions. Project participants landed under the bird’s hubbub and, softly stepping on a peat cushion, we looked at our feet, so as not to crush by chance bird nests.
However, observing the animal world in the plans of the participants the expedition was not included. They were interested in this little scrap. sushi is quite another – preserved ancient stone monuments bygone crops. At the same time, enthusiasts clearly understood that like this, with in advance, they are unlikely to be detected, because an inexperienced to the researcher, they may not even be evident. But a scientist, an archaeologist with experience will immediately pay attention to unusual structures from mossy medium-sized boulders, often overgrown with meager northern vegetation. She basically hides them. Specialists in antiquities call such structures simply stone heaps. They are more than once met expedition members on numerous islands, for example, on Big Zhuzhmuy, on Sonostrov, on Pezhaostrov. Some of those heaps may have been used in antiquities as foci. Under others were discovered quite well surviving burial sites. Still others served as supports, bases for old Pomeranian crosses, set already at much later time. But the researchers found stone heaps of unknown age and of unknown purpose, having an unusual elongated shape, unusual for such structures.
In general, all artificial structures in the White Sea region are conditionally They are divided into two categories: “production and household” and non-productive. And if stone heaps can in principle be attributed to the first category, and this somehow explains their purpose, then the second category is the creations of human hands, and their purpose until science has figured it out. These include labyrinths, menhirs. (freestanding tall stones), the addition of unique forms. Many scientists attribute to them cult significance, this is easiest and for in the absence of a better explanation, such is also appropriate. Although thinking scientists it’s hard to take it on faith, especially after visiting the island Big Zhuzhmui. Its northern tip, as well as Cape Kamenny – this is a real open-air museum, mysterious and yet unknown The expedition members roamed the island under the bright the northern sun and counted fourteen pyramids-seides (so they call stones stacked as if in a stack – one on top of the other) and twenty eight menhirs. Although it’s difficult to vouch that all scientists and the journalists were attentive and experienced, and from their view did not slipped away other similar structures hidden by vegetation and soil – after all, so many centuries have passed! Those facilities that are participants expeditions noticed were, according to archaeologists, folded early Middle Ages. And the country of Biarmia, according to various legends, existed in the period from IX to XIII century. It means that stone heaps seen could be a direct reminder of this country.
True, on other islands there are specimens whose age is even in our technological age it is still not possible to determine. For instance, the construction time of two separate menhirs on Black Luda Island – vertical flat slabs supported by stones. Also, scientists remained incomprehensible when three pyramids on top of Kondostrov. And the amazing menhirs in natural boundary against the island of Syrovatka – stone blocks the size of a meter on two? In total, on the coast and islands of the White Sea by now open about two and a half thousand structures of antiquity, and a significant part of them – 867 – is concentrated on the Kuzov archipelago. It is located halfway from the Solovetsky Islands to Kem.
The expedition approached him in the morning. Its members do not specifically went to bed, waiting for a meeting with the archipelago. All night long the benefit is that white, the researchers peered into the horizon, above which hung a fantastic mixture of celestial colors. The islands were visible from afar. Their silhouettes were drowned in a light dawn haze. “Unusual, wonderful, fabulous, these Body! – Then wrote one from the expedition members. And they also keep a secret extraordinary, although studied, in principle, not bad. Take, for example, one of The largest islands are Russian Body. Archaeologists lead on it regular research from the mid-60s of the last century. The statistics of their discoveries is impressive, and quite: everything found here 506 ancient objects. Of these, the vast majority – 486 pieces – these are pyramids-seids.
And nearby is another amazing giant – the island German body. On it, archaeologists discovered the same old Saidis – only 320 pieces. This is not counting the menhirs, stone heaps and strange oval calculations.
The expedition members landed on the islands in turn archipelago: Lodeyny, Oleshin, Bolshoi Voroniy, Residential, Medium, Taparuha – and everywhere they saw the same picture: strange stone figures reminiscent of the past.
Having made a circle, the researchers returned to the start of the search engine. expeditions. The weather was not favorable. Headwind constantly beat the yacht on board. Because of this, researchers could not deploy sails and all the time went using the engine. On the way, the group moored to Red Island, where on a smooth top perfectly preserved fancy stone maze. About his appointment (and other similar constructions on neighboring islands) historians argue more than one ten years, remembering that this labyrinth is narrated many legends and legends. On one of them using stone labyrinths the inhabitants of Biarmia communicated with higher beings who supposedly helped them in the construction of their structures and in prosperity countries. These are strange spirals whose appearance is historical science dates back to the period from the 13th to the 18th century, scattered along the whole North and West coasts of the White Sea. On ones only Solovetsky Islands there are at least thirty-five of them! It seems like a mystery labyrinths – one of the most intriguing that they took with them residents of the legendary Biarmia.
In general, the expedition brought a lot of impressions, and it’s time to comprehend them. The very first question that arose before the expedition – whose business is it?
Attempts to explain the meaning of the stone creations of the ancient inhabitants Biarmies have been and are constantly being undertaken. Famous Karelian historian, ethnographer, local historian Ivan Mullo about twenty five years ago he declared menhirs … phallic symbols! Fashionable version. However, controversial, because in addition to free and personal visual associations in favor of this version does not say anything more. Rather, a completely different parallel can be traced. In many places where the expedition went ashore, researchers there were wooden crosses, and different – and freshly cut, and from a tree darkened with time. Judging by their topography, they are all have an explicit and direct relation to the sea, as they are located on facing it stretches of coast and islands. Their origin not a big doubt. They were erected by the inhabitants of these places. (later, of course) as possession signs well visible from everywhere fishing points as landmarks or as warning beacons. Sometimes such crosses were placed in memory of dead at sea fishermen and sailors. Some stereotypically minded scientists put forward the version that earlier menhirs apparently could also be a variety of such marine landmarks or signs of ownership of fishing areas. But we have to clearly understand that they were installed by those whom we call today biarma! As for landmarks, it may very well be only why such a garden fence, add up, spending a bunch effort and time, stone heaps, drag dragging from distant places huge blocks of stone, if any a wooden structure, such as the same cross? Not in the shape of a cross, Of course, the cross in this case is a symbol of the Christian era, and hardly whether the inhabitants of the XIII century in places so remote from the center of Russia so quickly and actively adopted Christianity. It’s known that Christianity in primordially pagan Russia took root with difficulty and blood, and in such remote places, it’s unlikely that everyone was law abiding!
Yes, and the version that these are signs of ownership of fishing points ancient biarma, also quite weak. After all, if you recall the wealth of this country, in which everyone had a source of food and earnings, somehow to denote someone else’s private property is not very and need.
Some equally stereotypically minded historians confidently attributed the construction of the White Sea to the tribes of the ancient Sami. Proponents of this hypothesis believe that the islands since the early Iron Age turned into some taboo sacred places. “Rites related to the burial of the dead were performed on them, cult and fishing magic, initiation, worship heavenly bodies, “- so wrote in his works Arkhangelsk archaeologist Alexander Martynov. With his light hand and his kind historians as soon as these structures and clusters were not identified! They called them pantheons, shrines, totems, altars, dolmens, burials, “cenotaphs”.
But there are orthodox scholars who believe that such free interpretation is just a figment of fantasy amateurs designed solely to attract interest the general public and the creation around the White Sea structures artificial pseudo-romantic halo of a local pagan exotic with a touch of mysticism. Moreover, in recent decades, on islands of the Kuzov archipelago idle and numerous tourists erected a considerable number of remodelers – “crosses”, “columns”, “magic circles.” Sometimes so famously all these “sacred buildings “were executed – from old mossy boulders that all this only confuses the situation. Of course, a professional historian or an archaeologist will not confuse the remake with an authentic ancient structure, but the presence of these remake generates a huge number of “legends”, “traditions” supposedly passed down from generation to generation, which they are also only able to confuse the situation.
As a result, the debate in the scientific community has been going on for a long time, and a serious debate, and, if you look with an open mind, it only fuels interest in Mysterious Biarmia. For example, candidate of historical sciences, scientific Institute of Language, Literature and History, Archeology Sector Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nadezhda Lobanova believes: “No doubt that the White Sea structures were objects worship of the Sami population living here in the era The Middle Ages and in earlier times (from about I millennium to AD until the XV-XVI centuries) “. Moreover, the candidate of historical sciences Igor Manyukhin claimed that “one of the reasons for the construction Solovetsky monastery could be the desire of the Orthodox Church deprive the lappars of their sanctuaries, “because the islands, in his opinion, were sacred to pagan natives. Until today in these places there is a mass of mysterious and incomprehensible modern science of phenomena that local residents perceive absolutely calmly and for granted. Moreover, they don’t really like spread this theme to numerous journalists and explorers who make real pilgrimages here. Old-timers thoughtfully keep silent and refer to their ban fathers and grandfathers telling something uninitiated. From here you can to make at least one conclusion: it means that there is something to tell, that means there are some initiates. What time?
As for the Solovki with their monasteries, even the Orthodox Christians, this place is considered sacred. Cases are known here. amazing revelations, healings and other mystical things. Here Russian Christian pilgrims travel, as if to holy Jerusalem. My Moscow friend, a true believer who does not allow any free thoughts on the subject of all mystical things, green men and other fashionable things today, told me that after visiting The Solovetsky Monastery felt completely different. “There is even another spirit, something like this is poured in the air, ”she said. – and still there, wishes come true. “Very reminiscent of the so-called places forces, right? Type of place of power on Goa in India, Arkaim or other famous places.
The argument that the Solovetsky Monastery was built for the sole purpose – obliterate the shrines themselves, and the memory of them, like this, in in principle, the Church has long and successfully done, building its structures on place of ancient temples and other sacred places and then saying that it’s her miracles that “work”, but not pagan at all, this argument can be to accept. Only now it’s strange why then the monks did not consider it necessary at least somehow note and comment on the presence of numerous stone structures on Solovki. Then we must admit that with the foundation of the monastery in the XV century, these objects either did not exist yet, or the monks simply ignored them, not counting serious an obstacle to missionary activity among the Sami. Maybe, ignored specifically – so as not to create a stir around pagan places. To demolish – the hand didn’t rise, after all, who knows, what would such an act of vandalism result in? Suddenly, the truth is angry any forces? And it’s known that God saves a man who is safe. But not less likely that the monks are these additions for something laid out themselves, not seeing them as pagan symbolism. Can that is why young locals are also in the majority their constructions are not associated with pagan cults and in general treat them with indifference – unlike the elderly. “At the Pomors there is no oral tradition linking stone structures with activities of a foreign population or non-believers, – states Ph.D. in History, Senior Researcher, Sector Archeology Institute of Language, Literature and History of Karelian of the scientific center of the RAS Mark Kosmenko, – except for the legend about turning into stones “Germans” (foreign interventionists in the Time of Troubles the time of the beginning of the XVII century. – O.B.) in the southwestern White Sea, as well as legends about the Old Believers who used to live and bury the dead in various points on the west coast. “Kosmenko thinks so – well, and, as they say, a flag in his hands.
Some experts believe that attempts to link the stone objects with Sami are deprived of real historical support. In this the territory simply did not find the remnants of the Sami settlements. Archaeologist Mark Shakhnovich, in turn, suggested that the structures were made Karelians who migrated to the White Sea from Ladoga in XII-XIV centuries. Opinion, in general, is not worse than others, however, a legitimate consideration arises: but then it is strange why in others areas inhabited by Karelians, there are no such structures.
Indeed, there is a clear mismatch between the large the number of structures supposedly of religious use and the lack of a network of settlements of settled coastal peoples in the White Sea. Such an incredible amount of strange objects could respectively only belong to a large human population, possessing developed skills and means of navigation. This the population may have been residents of the Biarmia country. However, so far none of the representatives of official science is ready to take over the courage to declare it. And it is unlikely to declare in the future – too a lot of mystery and mysteries around Biarmia, so that’s about it seriously official science spoke up.
Time Stones Pyramid Island