A photo from open sources
More than four hundred mysterious found in Saudi Arabia structures that were built, according to scientists, not earlier than nine thousand years ago, and therefore they can be attributed to the earliest on Earth that has come down to us.
Strange buildings have already received a suitable name for them – “hell Gate”. The fact that they are located in a wild province Hairat Khaibar next to an extinct volcano, where there is not one vegetation – this area remains for millennia deserted, as if, in fact, being the threshold of Hell.
Despite the fact that the lion’s share of all the buildings of the “hell gate” clearly visible from space, for some reason they found themselves only now – it also seems almost mysticism. However, the ancient inhabitants of modern Arabia, apparently, knew well this is a creepy place, and for sure, it was not by chance that we chose to build such a fantastic complex, a sleeping volcano, moreover, some structures were erected at its very top.
A photo from open sources
So far, scientists do not know anything about the “gates of hell” – alone guesses and assumptions since a superficial inspection of the oldest complex gave absolutely nothing – did not even reveal the secret past millennia. However, scientists led by the Australian archaeologist David Kennedy intend in the near future return here and study these mysterious more thoroughly buildings to understand why they were erected here and what role performed in the lives of our distant ancestors.
As David himself says, even touching this mystery – big deal. Completely unravel her in one expedition his team especially does not hope, since such ancient buildings, with one parties, much has already lost for us over the millennia, and on the other – just do not lend themselves to the logic of our thinking. For example, how much scientists are struggling with the mystery of the Sphinx and the Egyptian pyramids – and cart, you can say, and now there, although the Egyptologists spent on everything it’s already many decades, wrote a bunch of papers, published thousands of books, shot hundreds of documentaries …
And the “gates of hell” is still a completely closed book …