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A mysterious pyramid was discovered at the bottom of the Sea of Galilee. Mysterious giant pyramid discovered at the bottom of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. Archaeologists cannot yet determine when she was built, its purpose is not clear. Conical structure made from “uncouth basalt cobblestones and boulders”, weighs about 60 thousand tons, which exceeds the displacement of most modern ships. The height of the pyramid is about 10 m, and the diameter is 69 m, which is twice the diameter of the famous Stonehenge, reports Fox News. Stones, according to scientists, are piled on top of each other. “During dives, we found that the structure consists of basalt blocks up to 1 meter in size. The boulders have a natural look, no trace processing. In addition, we did not find any traces of the wall that would enclosed this structure “, – scientists write in an article published in the journal Nautical Archeology. However, researchers are not They doubt that the pyramid is of artificial origin. Most likely, according to scientists, it was built on this place before it was flooded with the waters of the Sea of Galilee. Now archaeologists intend to conduct underwater excavations to find artifacts that would help determine the age of the structure and its destination. Meanwhile, the scientist Isaac Patz from the University Ben-Gurion believes that the pyramid was built at least 4 thousand. years ago. “There is a high probability that it dates from by the third millennium BC, because others were found nearby megalithic structures of that time, “said Patz. Mysterious the pyramid, according to archaeologists, could be built by residents the ancient city of Bet Yerah, located not far from Sea of Galilee. In the III century. BC. it was one of the largest and the most fortified cities in the region in which lived up to five thousand human. According to researchers, for the construction of the pyramid good organization and a high level of planning were required, that the inhabitants of Bet Yerrah had. “The effort spent on the construction of the pyramid indicates a complex, good organized society, “scientists said.