Mysterious South African Balls

“Inappropriate Artifact” is a term that serves as a name for prehistoric objects found in various places around to the world. These items indicate the level of technological advances, not relevant to the time they were made. “Inappropriate artifacts “often perplex conservative scientists and delight enterprising researchers open to alternative theories and lively debate.

Spheres Discovered in Mines in South Africa Intrigue researchers for decades.

MysteriousA photo from open sources

According to Michael Cremo and other prehistoric scholars cultures, these areas are further evidence that intelligent life existed on Earth much earlier than it believes common science.

Cremo traveled the world collecting information on “inappropriate artifacts. “He summarized his discoveries in a popular book “Forbidden Archeology: The Secret History of the Human Race.” In 1984 G., studying the field, he contacted Rolf Marx, curator of the museum in Klerksdorp, South Africa, where the spheres were stored. Marx said that the spheres are 2.8 billion years old, they have a very hard surface and fibrous structure inside. He considers these areas strange and mysterious.

A photo from open sources

Marx wrote: “There are no scientific publications on spheres, but facts those are. They were discovered in pyrophyllite, the development of which is underway. near the small town of Ottosdal in the Western Transvaal. Pyrophyllite is a fairly soft secondary mineral, its hardness is only 3 on the Mos scale, it was formed as a result sedimentation of 2.8 billion years ago.

These spheres have a fibrous structure inside the shell, which very hard, it is impossible to scratch it even with steel. The Mos scale has got its name by the name of Friedrich Mos, which chose ten minerals to compare hardness, of which talc – the softest, and the diamond is the hardest. ”

The hardness of steel on the Mohs scale is 6.5-7.5. Thus, Mysterious spheres are harder than steel.

Natural education?

Some believe that spheres formed naturally in the result of nodule – compaction of mineral masses. Some areas from Klerksdorp are elliptical and have rough bumps around center. However, others are very proportional, the grooves on them looks so direct and precise that they are unlikely to have formed naturally, supporters of the theory, according to which spheres were created by sentient beings.

In 2002, the Klerksdorp Museum posted on its website a letter from John Hund from Pittsburgh, South Africa. No affirmations in the letter were verified, and then the letter was deleted from the site, says the geologist Paul W. Heinrich. Hund claimed that one of the areas studied in California Space Institute, scientists have concluded that its proportions are so precise that they surpass them measuring instruments. ”

Heinrich does not believe that the South African spheres he studied have perfect shape and proportion.

Mokui Balls in Utah

In Utah, similar spheres were found, their age is about 2 million years. They are known as Mokui balls. Local legends say that Hopi ancestors played with these balls and left them as messages to their relatives that they are happy, and they have everything in okay.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

Mokuy balls have a sandy interior and a solid surface of iron oxide. Heinrich’s experiments with spheres from Klerksdorp showed that they are also made of a variety of iron oxide – hematite. is he discovered another ball from Klerksdorp, consisting of wollastonite, hematite and geotite – hydrated iron oxide.

Scientists who believe that all these spherical structures formed naturally, offer different explanations. Dr Curry Weber from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln studies microbes and says that spheres could be created from products microbial activity.

Geologist Dave Crosby conducting a study in Utah, where he found Mokui balls, originally hypothesized that because of the impact meteorite formed molten spheres, which then thickened sand particles.

A photo from open sources

o after further study he did not find evidence impact of a meteorite, says Then he put forward the theory that rainwater washed iron and others minerals, then they fell into groundwater. Going through the dirt water, ions gathered around the grains of sand, forming spheres.

Cremo and other scholars who consider such findings proof of the existence of developed prehistoric civilizations, they say that scientists should be bolder and more open to facts, disproving dominant views.

Africa Water

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