A photo from open sources
“Stone portals,” of course, they were called by journalists, on nobody really knows the exact purpose of these mysterious ones, obviously man-made buildings accidentally discovered by scientists in the highlands Harrat Khybar – in the territory of no less mysterious deserts lava fields of saudi arabia.
A photo from open sources
To date, researchers report, as stated in Newsweek, about four hundred stone buildings, and they different shapes – from rectangular to perfectly round. Their length also varies greatly, ranging from 13 to 518 meters. Here’s what Professor Oxford David says about this Kennedy:
This is a very interesting find, and not only for archaeologists, but also ufologists. Firstly, these stone structures are many thousand years, until we have set an exact date for their construction, but and offhand it’s clear – it “smells” of deep hoary antiquity. Secondly, the Bedouins themselves call them “creations of ancient people”, when this clearly emphasizing that those “ancient” were much more powerful and wiser than the living. And finally, it’s completely not yet clear which a role in the life of those “ancients” was played by these stone creations, maybe on were actually portals to other worlds, as some have suggested journalists? ..
A photo from open sources
Note that similar mysterious buildings are found in other Middle East countries however the “stone portals” of the Highlands Harrath Khaibar Saudi Arabia appears to be significantly older previous similar finds. Therefore, scientists place on them certain hopes associated primarily with the definition the purpose of such structures. It still remains a mystery because apart from assumptions and hypotheses, scientific explanations there were no such mysterious buildings since …