Mysterious X-shaped tomb unearthed in China Qin Dynasty

In China, unearthed the mysterious X-shaped tomb of the Qin DynastyA photo from open sources

If you trace the archaeological site of the Middle Kingdom with her rich and mysterious history, then most often the ancient tombs. For example, last summer in Shandong, China �archaeologists immediately discovered 140 such burials of the dynasty Zhou (c. 771-221 BC), of which 36 tombs turned out to be real “gifts of fate” in which, according to archaeologist Liu Yanchang, many interesting artifacts have been preserved, indicating that the burial data belonged to people upper class.

Another similar tomb, finally excavated already in current year and dating back to the Qin Dynasty (approximately 221-206 years. BC), aroused special interest (and even real hype) first among users of the Weibo social network itself China, and then on Twitter, that is, almost instantly spreading to the World Wide Web.

A photo from open sources

The fact is that first the author of the video (see below), and then all Internet users were surprised by the design of this tomb in the logo of the Microsoft Xbox game console. Naturally, comic comments immediately fell from users, they say, or the rulers of ancient China knew modern computer games back in 220 BC and immortalized one of the game consoles during the construction of this tomb, or Microsoft has a person who knows how to travel in time (at least mentally), thanks to which this form was “copied” from the Chinese game console.

From China itself has not yet received official information about of this unique X-shaped tomb, so it’s still unknown where (in what province of China) it is located, not specifically represents any values ​​found in it (it is possible that there will be new terracotta warriors, at least so Internet users suggest). Video author only with confidently states that this is actually the tomb of the first the Chinese empire Qin, and that the movie was made using a drone. Apparently, the structure is huge and peculiar in its architectural idea, it was not by chance that they became interested in him amateur operators who decided to be the first to publish on the Internet This is the new archaeological discovery of China.

China time

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