Myths and rumors about Nostradamus and his predictions

Myths and rumors about Nostradamus and his predictionsA photo from open sources

The identity of Nostradamus, his life and especially predictions are of great interest to the modern generation, accompanied by a lot of questions. At one time, it was gossip and speculation that spawned a series of myths about events completely unrelated to Nostradamus. IN as a result, at the moment there are a huge number of misconceptions regarding his life. Was Nostradamus a Jew converted to Christianity? No, so far it is only known that with his father’s side, his family was of Jewish origin, and that his grandfather on the paternal side, Pierre de Nostradamus converted to Christianity about forty years before the birth of Nostradamus. But it is assumed that he inherited his prophetic gift from The Israeli tribe of Issahara? He always claimed that his gift passed on to him on the maternal side, and not on his father’s side. Is it true that he believed that planets revolve around the sun, even before Copernicus? There is no evidence for this. Is it true that Nostradamus taught by his grandfathers who were honored doctors at court King of Provence Rene? Not. It should start with the fact that his grandfathers nothing like that. It seems this story invented by his son Cesar, who was so presented with the history of the family, about a century later. Secondly, his paternal grandfather line, Pierre, was a merchant in Avignon, and not the fact that successful. Grandfather by the maternal line, Rene de Saint-Remy, allegedly died before the future seer was born. And thirdly, the education of the child, most likely engaged (if at all someone was involved) maternal great-grandfather Jean de Saint-Remy who really was a doctor, but only local, and also allegedly performed duties of the city treasurer. Of course it is true that in 1521 year, he went to Montpellier to study medicine? Not. He himself states in its work Traité des fardemens et confitures that spent from 1521 to 1529, wandering around the country in search of potions and medicines. In Montpellier, there was no record of his presence at that time. Then, in 1529, when he again appeared in sight, already as a pharmacist, he was quickly kicked out “for rude reviews of doctors.” His written works, as well as a record of his exile, have been preserved. But, of course, he was educated as a doctor? Not even that there is an official record, although such a conclusion can be made by more recent indirect evidence. But since he taught at the faculty in Montpellier, then of course he had doctor qualifications? What he taught there is absolutely not no entries. In addition, by 1531 he appeared in Agen, and this means that he did not have time to teach in Montpellier. His was Agriet de Lobeyac’s first wife in Agen? No, this woman was Scaliger’s wife. The wife of Nostradamus was called Henrietta d’Encoss. She and Did their two children die of the plague? No one knows the cause of their death. But, of course, it is true that Nostradamus was persecuted by the Spanish Inquisition for heresy? It is said that the Inquisition of Toulouse invited him to explain his remark about quality bronze casting of the Virgin Mary, but the official record of this is not exist. But, of course, he was persecuted by the Inquisition. If not for this, then, at least for his prophecies? No records even that the Inquisition has ever even investigated it prophetic activity: in fact, he was always on good Church account. But the British Encyclopedia claims that in 1781 In the year he was in the Vatican’s Book Index. Yes, and in this The British Encyclopedia is mistaken, as are some other issues, related to Nostradamus. His name is practically nowhere mentioned in none of the editions of the Vatican Index, and research of 25 current editions of the Municipal Library of Lyon found that his 1781 edition was virtually nonexistent. His The Almanac of 1562 even contains an open letter to the Pope. But of course, everyone knows that his religiosity was just a cover for him magical activities, right? There is every reason suggest that he was truly a deeply pious Roman Catholic, seriously sympathetic to the Franciscan movement. Here what statement his secretary Chavigny made after his death: “He approved the rites of the Roman Church and remained faithful to the Catholic faith and religion, holding the view that outside its salvation does not exist. He seriously condemned those who, coming out of her bosom, were preparing for to allow yourself to eat the light freedoms of alien doctrines. Them the end, he believed, would be evil and terrible. “Then, the fact that he gave money to the Franciscans, was on good terms with Archbishop of Arles, remained in Paris with a strong Archbishop Sense, treated various priests, left money to two Franciscan monasteries, was buried in a Franciscan chapel, and his son joined the monastic order … As for incompatibility of Christianity and magic, thinkers of the Renaissance actually still struggled with the problem of how to reconcile pagan practices with Christian beliefs of the time, particularly in connection with the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo: question in for several decades hesitated in favor of the latter. Is it true that Nostradamus very successfully treated the plague? It depends from what is considered success. Of course, on this he earned a lot of money and gained a reputation. But he himself admitted that during outbreaks of the plague in Aix-en-Provence none of his treatments proved successful. But he used advanced antiseptics, recommended exercise and low animal diet fats, and refused to bleed their patients first three assumptions are pure fantasy. He himself admitted in his the work of “Traité” that he blew patients, and that it is not helped. His famous “pink pills”, the prescription of which he wrote in a book, it seems, were used only for prevention. There is no clear evidence that his methods were very different from traditional, besides the fact that he attached great importance running water, suggesting that he installed a new public hygiene regimen. Predictions Nostradamus

  • Is it true that he wrote The Predictions of the Orval in 1542 year?

Not. The style and language of these prophecies makes it very obvious. that they were written around the time of Napoleon, and claimed to predict his reign (undoubtedly Napoleon always carried them with me). Orval (on the border with Belgium) was in the center of hostilities between France and the Holy Roman Emperor in 1542, so it is unlikely that such learned travelers how Nostradamus could be nearby at that time.

  • While visiting Italy, he recognized in the young monk the future Dad, and knelt before him. This proves that he was a true prophet, right?

There are no historical or archival cases about such a case. records.

  • Is it true that, returning to Salon de Provence, he began to write your Centuries?

No, he first wrote his cookbook (Traité des fardemens et des confitures), and began to write annual Almanacs, which he continued to write for the rest of his life. And one and the other the work was much more famous and sold out better than him later predictions.

  • Was his weather and crop predictions always correct?

No, in fact they often turned out to be wrong, and sometimes it had disastrous consequences.

  • But, if people continued to buy them, they had to be true?

If people bought them, then rather in the hope that in next time may come true …

  • The main book of his prophecies was called “Centuries”, right?

Wrong. Centuria is basically unremarkable a description of ten books consisting of one hundred verses that were supposed to enter it. The title of the book is Michel’s Prophecies Nostradamus. ”

  • Is it true that he wrote them with a bowl of water and magic mirrors?

There is no evidence that he used a bowl of water or a magic mirror for this purpose. Bowl with water (what can be seen from the first two verses) he needed in order to lower it legs and hem of clothing, in the manner of Greek oracles. It looks like in a bowl there was water emitting aromatic vapor. As for the mirror, he simply claims that his visions were as if from a burning mirrors, that is, a concave mirror, which collected solar rays. Try someday to look in the mirror for a shave, and you will understand what he meant.

  • Did he use magic spells?

Nobody knows this, although he made it clear that he used classical occult techniques, which means almost the same the most. However, he was a big bouncer.

  • But he was, at least, a great astrologer, not so is it?

No, in fact, he was a terrible astrologer, to which he constantly pointed out the professional of that time, and that confirm it surviving horoscopes. He often labeled planets wrong signs, and the Sun placed simultaneously in two different parts of the sky. is he never inserted numbers into printed tables. For it him so astrologers of that time despised, and he, in turn, separated himself from them, and proclaimed himself a simple astrophile (lover stars), which God himself directly or indirectly inspires.

  • So he was always right?

In his Epistle to King Henry II, he stated that when his attended divine inspiration (directly, through planets, or through the spirit guiding him, or through the Archangel Michael), he does not could make mistakes, or be deceived. But then, in his letter To the Canon of Orange of February 4, 1562, he indicated that, being a mere mortal, he could easily be mistaken. It is definitely questions that he could have divine revelation.

  • However, one way or another, he managed to write his prophecies as cipher?

No, he wrote his prophecies in the form of rhyming verses. it may seem like a cipher for those who are not familiar with French poetry of the 16th century. It may seem to many of them that this is not poems. But none of the various theories claiming he wrote ciphers, has not received confirmation from serious experts in these issues.

  • Did he use anagrams?

So did almost all the writers of that time, but only sometimes, and mostly out of respect for the proper names that they preferred to disguise, either for fun or for self-defense.

  • The fact that Nostradamus used a huge amount of Latin and Greek words certainly says that he did it with a specific purpose?

Not necessary. The use of classic words was at that time common business. Educated people understood them well, and also knew what his frequent references to classical history mean and mythology. Nostradamus just took it to the extreme so that do not pass for ignorance. And he is succeeding to this day.

  • Is it possible to understand the meaning of his entries using the usual pocket dictionary?

Not. This cannot be done even with modern French texts. And of course, this will not work in the case of poetry of the 16th century, especially owned by Nostradamus. You must always remember that he wrote poetry, not official documents, and did not think about translating these verses in foreign languages.

  • So, when he went to Paris in 1556 to meet with the king and queen …

It wasn’t. The correspondence of that time clearly indicates that it happened in 1555, shortly after it came out his first publication.

  • … he went there in a carriage, like in a movie …

No, he rode, probably on one of the royal horses, which was used for royal mail. Crews while still were not used, mainly due to the fact that for them not yet there were suitable roads. Even the queen rode in a palanquin, not in carriage.

  • Did she ask Nostradamus the meaning of verse I.35, about King’s impending death during a duel?

Nothing is known about the content of their conversation.

  • But, of course, such writers as E. Chatham and J. Hogh do not agree, just like the Orson Welles movie?

Unfortunately, their biographical works are ridiculously inaccurate, and not based on documentary facts. Most of their claims based on rumors of unknown origin that printed in the 19th century without being confirmed by any reliable testimonies of contemporaries.

  • Did Nostradamus predict his own death in the presage almanac 141?

Probably not. The truth is that his secretary Chavigny later suggested that it was thus, putting the tradition of interpreting the predictions of Nostradamus as you want to. But in fact, Presage 141 mentions November 1567, and Nostradamus died in July 1566. Therefore, if the verse was predicting his death, then he indicated the wrong date …

  • But, is it true, at least, that Nostradamus was buried so that people cannot walk on his grave?

There is absolutely no evidence of this, and in his will such a request was indicated.

  • Is it true that when his body was dug during the French Revolution, then on his neck found the medallion on which was indicated Exact date of exhumation?

Not. This is a common urban myth, not confirmed by anything.

Astrologers Water Time Money Life Mirrors Napoleon Bonaparte Nostradamus Sun

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