NASA accidentally talked about the end of the world, which may occur on February 1, 2019

NASA accidentally talked about the end of the world that could happen on February 1, 2019.A photo from open sources

Read another prediction of the end of the world when everything has not come true The previous ones are quite funny. Now conspiracy theorists claim that the apocalypse will come on February 1, 2019. Conspiracy theorists even know the exact time of the upcoming World catastrophe – 11:47 in the morning. However, these figures were taken not at all from the regiment. The fact is that representatives of the American the national space agency, apparently, let slip about this date on its official website. Despite the fact that after 4 of the day, NASA experts deleted this information, with it, of course, managed to get acquainted with many.

So what will potentially destroy humanity after a little more of the year? Theorists are convinced that this will be a near-Earth asteroid “2002 NT7 “, which will fall on our planet. The force of impact will be so colossal that will exceed the explosion power of 30 million atomic bombs. During a collision, the speed of the asteroid will be almost 30 kilometers per second. NASA experts first wrote that a deadly celestial body will critically approach the Earth and, probably still crash into our planet. Now, after removal previous record, Americans claim that “2002 NT7” is quite safely pass 61 million kilometers from our “blue ball. ”

Either astronomers first made a mistake in the calculations and then noticed her, or the powers that be changed their minds to inform the public about the upcoming apocalypse. Conspirologists have long been they say that there’s no sense to a secret world government warn us about the end of the world. Top Politicians and scientists, they say, will try to hide in underwater or underground bunkers, and maybe leave the planet. If society starts panic, the people, including the military and security forces, may simply not let the gray cardinals escape. Perhaps NASA wanted warn us about the fall of the asteroid however the shadow government gave the decree to replace this information with false: that no cataclysm in the near future is not expected. Well, wait and see see …

Time End of the World NASA

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